Running ETLs and ODI Loads for P6 EPPM Data Sources

To bring data from P6 EPPM to CIC Advisor, you must run ETLs or ODI load plans from the Status page of the CIC Administration application.

To access the Status page for any data source:

  1. Sign in to the CIC Administration application.


  2. From the Icon_Home_menu_in_admin_app_home_page Home Icon_down menu, select a data source.

    Working with the Administration Application




Navigation menu: Select the following icons in the sidebar to use the interface:

Icon Home: Shows currently running STARETL processes for all data sources and enables you to stop a currently running STARETL process.

Construction Intelligence Cloud ML Workbench: Monitor and manage models for a P6 or Aconex data source.

Icon User Management: Setup and manage P6 and Aconex accessing CIC Advisor.

icon Status: Manage and schedule ETL runs and ODI load plans, view ETL logs and status reports for a selected P6 or Aconex data source.

Icon_Publication_Status Publication Status: View the status of recent publication runs for a selected P6 data source.

Benchmark Benchmark: Setup and manage the benchmark groups to compare P6 projects in CIC Advisor.

Threshold Settings Threshold Settings: Set up the acceptable range for project metrics displayed in CIC Advisor.

icon Config: Configure the properties of the STARETL process for each P6 data source.


Add menu: Select this menu to select codes from an available list.

Actions menu: Select this menu to schedule or run ETLs for the selected data source.

Refresh: Select this button to renew the current view of the page.


ODI Agent Status: Displays the current status or mode of the ODI agent.


Load Plan Status: Displays the recent runs of ODI load plans that were run for this data source. Use this section to Start or Restart ODI load runs.


Recently Running ETLs: Displays the recent ETL runs for this data source. Select View log to review the log file for each ETL run.

Last Published Monday, July 1, 2024