Creating CIC Advisor Only Users

Use this procedure if you want to add a new user who has not been ported from any source application. Users of this category will automatically have access to CIC Advisor.

Note: CIC Advisor-only users cannot access links to the source applications such as Aconex, P6 or Primavera Cloud in the front end application.

  1. Use any of the following methods to sign in to the administration application:
    • In your Welcome email, click on the CIC Advisor administration application URL and sign in with administrator credentials or
    • Sign in from the Primavera Administration Application portal and click on the Administration application URL.


  2. In the side bar, click Icon User Management.
  3. Click the All Users tab to view a list of existing users from the following source applications who have been ported into CIC Advisor:
    • P6
    • Oracle Aconex
    • Primavera Cloud
  4. In the Search bar, enter or search for a user by their user name or email and click Search.
  5. If the user does not exist click Create an account to create an identity management account for this new user.
  6. In the Create User pane, enter the following contact information of the user:
    • In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the user.
    • In the First Name field, enter the first name of the user.
    • In the User ID field, enter the user name that the user will use to sign in to the CIC Advisor application.
    • In the Email field, enter the user's email ID that is to be associated with their User ID.
    • In the Mobile field, enter the primary phone number to contact the user.
    • In the Datasource section, select the corresponding check box to give the user access to all data brought into CIC Advisor from the selected data sources.
      • Caution: Judiciously assign users of this category in your organization as they will have access to all data from the source applications in CIC Advisor.
  7. Click Create to add the new user.

    The user will be assigned the role of an Advisor Consumer by default. To change the user's role, see Enabling CIC Advisor User Access.

Related Topics

Managing CIC Advisor Users

Enabling CIC Advisor User Access

Managing User Privileges

Managing CIC Advisor Users on Smart Construction Platform

Last Published Monday, July 1, 2024