Enabling History and Publication Services Settings for P6 Projects

In P6, you can enable the following settings to determine what type of data is to be captured in CIC:

To configure the above settings:

  1. Sign in to P6 EPPM.

    Note: A user must have the Edit Project Details Except Cost/Financials profile to edit the history settings.

  2. Click Projects.
  3. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  4. On the EPS page:
    1. Select a project.
    2. From the Actions menu, select Set Project Preferences.
  5. In the Project Preferences pane, click Analytics & Services.
    1. In the Publication section, select the Enable Publication option to ensure the project is selected for publication services runs.

      Tip: You can also expand an EPS node on the EPS page and then select the Enable Publication option for multiple projects belonging to the node.

    2. In the Analytics section:
      1. Choose one of the following for History Level:
      • None (default)
      • Project
      • WBS
      • Activity (Daily)
      • Activity (Weekly)
      • Activity (Monthly)
      1. Choose one of the following for History Interval - Project or WBS:
      • Month (default)
      • Week
      • Quarter
      • Year
      • Financial Period

        Note: If you select Activity (Daily) or Activity (Weekly) or Activity (Monthly) as the History Level, this will automatically set the History Interval for Activity and Resource Assignment history to the corresponding activity time interval. Use caution when selecting which projects you choose to have daily history captured for as this can affect the amount of time and the volume of data processed when running the ETL process. You still need to set the history interval level when selecting Activity level history, which will apply to project and WBS-level history only.

      1. Select one of the following values from the Data Warehouse Update Frequency (ODI Only) list:
      • Scheduled: When the ETL runs and the project data is pulled into analytics
      • Immediate: The data is extracted any time a change is identified in the project.

        Note: Immediate project updates are focused more on the specific scheduling areas of the project – costs, dates, durations. They are geared towards outages or scenarios where live updates are required for short length projects. Immediate project updates should be used sparingly only for a small select group of projects. Not all projects should be set to Immediate, this can have side effects on update frequency and performance. If a project is completed Immediate updates should be turned off.

  6. Click Save to continue working or click Save and Close if you are finished.
  7. Publish the changes you made by Configuring and Running <0P_ProdName_P6_Short> Publication Services.

Related Topics

Publishing P6 EPPM Projects

Selecting P6 Projects for CIC for the First Time

P6 EPPM Publication Services Overview

Last Published Wednesday, July 3, 2024