Health and Safety Risks Identified in Mails

Mails tab of the Health and Safety Risk Page

The Mails tab of the Health and Safety Risks page identifies health and safety risks identified from emails tracked by the Mail Management module of Oracle Aconex. You can view the analysis collated by CIC Advisor from a Sentiment standpoint.

The Mails tab includes the following sections:

Section Number

Section Title


Health and Safety Risks by Mail Type and Sentiment Section


Health and Safety Risks in the Last Six Months Section


Health and Safety Risk Hotspots


Health and Safety Risk From Mails Table


Filters Pane

Related Topics

Health and Safety Risk Page

Health and Safety Risks by Mail Type and Sentiment Section

Health and Safety Risks in the Last Six Months Section

Health and Safety Risk Hotspots

Health and Safety Risk Details

Health and Safety Risk From Mails Table

Filters Pane

Health and Safety Risks Identified in the Field

Last Published Thursday, December 7, 2023