3 ADPI Configuration

This section describes the steps in defining the parameters in ADPI interface according to the Ship’s operation. The number of days specified is the days you retain the data before it gets purge.


Some functions correlate with one another field. Ensure you check mark the correct check box before applying the change.

Figure 3-1 ADPI Daily Data Purge Settings

This figure shows the ADPI Daily Data Purge Settings

The Interface has two type of purges:

Daily Data Purge: This purge executes daily when ADPI interface receives ‘EndOfDay’ command from Management application after the system date change. ADPI only purges previous day(s) data from the days you specify.

Cruise End Data Purge: This purge executes during End of Cruise when ADPI Interface receives ‘EndofCruise’ command from Management application.

Below are the available options and its description.

Table 3-1 Daily Data Purge Function

Function Description

Guest Accounts

Purges the postings and user-defined fields for all guests that checked-out, and reservation cancellation.

Guest Account Details

Purges the excursion and excursion waitlist, pre-postings and billing info, amenities and special requests, visa and flights, reservation history, guest history, travel agent info, allergies info, promotion history, credit card info, authorization, settlement info and guest comment for guests that checked-out, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Guest Accounts.

Guest Bill/Item Details

Purges the bill view, Point-of-Sale (POS) detail item, XML guest history and Dining Reservation System (DRS) item for all guest accounts bill view details, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Guest Accounts.

Group Accounts

Purges the regular postings and user-defined fields for all groups that checked-out and reservation cancellation.

Group Account Details

Purges the billing info, travel agent info, credit card info, authorization and settlement info for groups that checked-out, number of days could not be greater than the one set for Group Accounts.

Group Bill View Details

Purges the bill view and POS detail item for all group accounts bill view details, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Group Accounts.

Crew Accounts

Purges the regular postings, user defined fields, crew history info and hotel and bar service charge info that checked-out and reservation cancellation.

Crew Account Details

Purges the pre-postings, visa info, uniform, training and courses, shore side deny info, crew history and promotion history, cabin change log, warning, allergies info, credit card info, authorization, settlement info, time and attendance info, scheduled crew drill training info and crew comment for crew that checked-out, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Crew Accounts.

Crew Bill/Item Details

Purges the bill view and POS detail item for all crew accounts bill view details, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Crew Accounts.

Log Information

Purges Log entries log.

Guest Pictures

Purges all checked-out and cancelled guest accounts picture details.

Gangway Log

Purges Gangway log entries.

Crew Incentive Details

Purges Crew incentive entries.

Crew Pictures

Purges all checked-out and cancelled crew accounts picture details.

Guest Document Images

Purges all checked-out and cancelled guest document image.

Queue Information

Purges Guests queue details that were entered specified number of days ago.

Signature Image

Purges all guest/crew checked-out and cancelled accounts signature image.

Completed Work Order

Purges the completed maintenance work order and the associated image file.

Gift Card Accounts

Purges the regular postings for all gift card accounts that checked-out and reservation cancellation.

Gift Card Acc Details

Purges the excursion and excursion waitlist, pre-postings and billing info, amenities and special requests, visa and flights, reservation history and guest history, travel agent info, allergies info, promotion history, credit card info, authorization and settlement info for all gift card accounts, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Gift Card Accounts.

Gift Card Bill/Item Dtls

Purges the bill view and POS detail item for all gift card accounts bill view details, number of days cannot be greater than the one set for Gift Card Accounts.

DRS Details

Purges the DRS posting details.

Payroll Information

Purges the contract, pay details, contract details and pay sheet information for all crew accounts payroll details.

Change Log

Purges change, deletion, insertion of audit trail log. Purges the errors or warnings that return from Seaware.

Seaware Error Logs

Purges the errors or warnings that return from Seaware.

Credit Card Data

Purges the orphaned credit card data, authorization and settlement.

Sync Details

Purges the completed sync data to Seaware.

Event Details

Purges event booking, item booking and group booking details.

Crew Document Images

Purges all checked-out and cancelled crew document image.

Housekeeping Details

Purges housekeeping task assignment.

GL Files Details

Purges all generated General Ledger (GL) files.

Abandon Ship Tracking

Purges all records in Abandon Ship Tracking.

General Assembly Tracking

Purges all records in General Assembly Tracking.

Passenger History

Purges all Passenger History records.

Table 3-2 Daily Data Purge Function (Special Section)

Special Edition Description

Residents purge delay

Include all in one resident accounts and details purging that have the same purging accounts and details as Guest Accounts, Guest Account Details and Guest Bill/Item Details.

Table 3-3 Daily Data Purge Function (Comment Card Data Selection)

Comment Card Data Selection Description

Use Number of days specified in comment card module.

Define whether to use the Purges parameter defined in Comment Card module.

Comment Cards

Purges the comment card scanned forms and scanned results for comment card details that were entered specified number of days ago.

Purge blob data only

Purges the comment card scanned forms and scanned results blob files) for comment card blob files that were entered specified number of days ago. There is an option to Purges blob data for scanned form only or both.

Mark form as removed

Mark comment card scanned forms as removed for forms that were entered specified number of days ago.

Table 3-4 Daily Data Purge Function (Performance)

Performance Description

Batch Size

Purges the number of entries to delete per batch. Default number of record is 100.

Batch Purge Delay (sec)

Define the execution time to delay between each batch. Default delay time is 0.2 seconds.

Table 3-5 Daily Data Purge Function (Others)

Others Description

Purge orphaned records for account details

Allows all orphaned entries purging for guest, crew, group, resident and gift card account details.

Purge sync transactions

Purges synchronize transaction records that were entered specified number of days ago which has status as successful or failed.

Purge Offboard Generic visitor pictures

Allow to Purges generic visitor pictures and document images when visitor status = shore side.

Log SQL Statement

Enable log of data Purges when check. System stores files name ‘ADPILog_ddmmyyyy.txt’ in Oracle Hospitality Cruise folder.

Setting Up Daily Data Purge

  1. From the Interface PC, launch ADPI if the program is not running in the background.

  2. Navigate to Settings tab, and then select Daily Data Purge.

  3. Under the Data Selection section, check mark the desire option and modify the days accordingly. The default days to keep the data is 0.

  4. Click Apply and re-login when prompt.

The system prompts a login screen as a confirmation before the changes takes place. Login with a user that has the permission to change the selection.

Setting Up Cruise End Data Purge

The Data purge will process during end of cruise when ADPI interface receives an ‘EndOfCruise’ command from Management application. The Cruise End Data purge options are as below.

Figure 3-2 Cruise End Data Purge

This figure shows the Cruise End Data Purge

The Data purge will execute during end of cruise when ADPI interface receives an ‘EndOfCruise’ command from Management application. The Cruise End Data purge options are as below:

Table 3-6 ADPI Cruise End Data Purge Setting

Function Name Description

Routing Instructions

Purge all checked-out guests, crew and groups routing instructions details.


Purge all checked-out guests, crew and groups discounts details.

Package Plans

Purge Package plan details of the cruise.

Sys Acc Bill/Item Details

Purge system account sales check and posting details item.

Residents purge delay

Purge consist of three types of purging, and they are pictures for checked out and reservation cancellation residents, routing instructions for checked-out residents and discounts for checked-out residents.

  1. From the Interface PC, launch ADPI if the program is not running at the background.

  2. Navigate to Settingstab, and then selectCruise End Data Purge.

  3. Repeat steps 4–5 of the above.

The system prompts a login screen as a confirmation before any changes takes place. Login with a user that has the permission to change the selection.