5 Parameters

This section describes the Parameters available to the Mobile Mustering module, and is accessible from the Administration module under System Setup, Parameter.


PAR Name PAR Value Description

Allow Crew Card Login Bypass

0 or 1

Allow login using crew card scanning as long as crew credential is valid in Mobile DB.

Allow to check-in RE/RR person when onboard

0 or 1

Allow to check-in reservation status that is ‘RE’/’RE’ when the person is onboard

Check-In Status

0,1 or 2

Different Handling for RES_OFFBOARD status upon checked-in

0 - Onboard after check-in

1 - Ashore after check-in, must swiped card to be onboard

2 - Display option box

Enable Mobile Data Sync

0 or 1

0 – Disable

1 - Enable Mobile Data Sync to FCMobile DB

FC Mobile Gangway Client Version

E.g: 8.0.1

Mobile Gangway Client Version

FC Mobile Gangway Client Version Major

0 or 1

Mobile Gangway Major Version

0 - Minor Update

1 - Major Update

FC Mobile Gangway update type


FC Mobile Gangway update type

Last Update Date/Time

Example: 20130925122924

Last Sync Date and Time in ISO format

Mobile DB Version

E.g: 7.30.8xx

Mobile DB Version

Offline Timeout

Example: 6

Number of hours allowed to use in offline mode before sync is required

Open Login Enabled

0 or 1

0 - Must use correct login details

1 - Allow Open Login/Blind Login

Require mandatory fields

0 or 1

0-Do not require mandatory field 1-Require mandatory field

Refresh Interval


Interval time before the next DB synchronization. The default value is 60 seconds.

Use System Date

0 or 1

0 - Use Device Date

1 - Use System Date


PAR Name PAR Value Description

Allow not expected guest to Check-In

0 or 1

0 - Do not allow not expected guest to Check-In 1 - Allow not expected guest to Check-In

Not allow to check-in Guest if no photo found

0 or 1

0 - Allow guest to check-in without a photo taken

1 - Do not allow guest to check-in if no photo found