2 General Process Flow

Check-In Guest

Shown in the diagram below is the general process flow used for the Guest Check-In.

Figure 2-1 General Process Flow — Check-In

This figure shows the General Process Flow – Check-In Guest
  1. First, call the GuestSearch function to return a list of guests.

  2. Subsequently, call the UpdateGuestInfo and CheckIn functions for the Check-In of each guest. The UpdateGuestInfo function must be called before the CheckIn function. Once the CheckIn is called, you need to call the GuestSearch again before calling UpdateGuestInfo.

Get Passenger Information

Shown in the diagram below is the general process flow used to obtain Passenger Information.

Figure 2-2 General Process Flow – Get Passenger Information

This figure shows the General Process Flow – Get Passenger Information
  1. First, call the SearchPassenger function to return one guest.

  2. This will save the unique Guest ID into the local device as a cookie for the web so that it does not need to perform the SearchPassenger function again.

  3. However, it needs to check the expiry date of the saved information against the disembarkation date.

  4. You may then use the unique Guest ID to perform the GuestPicture, GetInvoice, GetItinerary, GetPromo, GetSpaTreatmentItem, GetSpaLocation, GetEvent, GetSpaTreatmentAvailability, GetSpaTreatmentGroup, GetExcursion and other functions.