7 Parameters

This section describes the Parameters available to the AQCI and CIW. They are accessible from the Administration module under System Setup, Parameter.

Table 7-1 PAR Group — AQCI

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Wizard DocType Alien Resident Card

Value from Document Types

Internal mapping for document type Alien Resident Card in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Birth Abroad


Internal mapping for document type Birth Abroad inTYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Birth Certificate


Internal mapping for document type Birth Certificate in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Enhanced Drivers License CA


Internal mapping for document type CA enhanced driver’s license in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Enhanced Drivers License US


Internal mapping for document type US enhanced driver’s license in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Fast


Internal mapping for document type Fast in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Naturalization Certificate


Internal mapping for document type Naturalization Certificate in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Nexus


Internal mapping for document type Nexus in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Passport


Internal mapping for document type Passport in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Passport Card


Internal mapping for document type Passport Card in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType Sentri


Internal mapping for document type Sentri in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType US Re-entry Card


Internal mapping for document type US Re-entry card in TYP_VIT

Wizard DocType US Refuge Card


Internal mapping for document type US Refuge card in TYP_VIT

Wizard - Show Upon Startup

0,1 or 2

Define the main screen to launch upon start up.

0 = Main AQCI screen without Check-In Wizard function.

1 = Check In Wizard

2 = Main AQCI screen with Check-In Wizard function.

Wizard - User Defined Text for Scan Barcode

E.g.: Scan Barcode

The user define button label for Scan Barcode

Wizard - No. of seconds to buffer Next button

User Define

Define the number of seconds before the Next button appears.

Wizard - Scan Barcode Field


Define the column name to search when a barcode is scanned.

Wizard - Nationalities With Chinese Names

E.g.: CN, TW

Compulsory Chinese names for nationalities as specified in TYP_NAT.

Wizard Show Ship Email Address

0 or 1

Define whether to show Ship Email on Wizard form

0 = Do not show in wizard form

1 = Show in wizard form

Wizard Show Quick Billing Printing Option

0 or 1

Define whether to show Quick Billing Printing Option on Wizard form

0 = Do not show in wizard form

1 = Show in wizard form

Travel Documents Eligibility Setup

0 or 1

Displays the list of eligible travel documents based on the Travel Rules Setup in AQCI.

Passport Expiry Validation

0, 1, 2, 3 or 4

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0 = Do not validate

1 = Validate with the par value specified in month

2 = Validate with the par value specified in day

3 = Validate against disembark date with the par value specified in month

4 = Validate against disembark date with the par value specified in day

Passport Expiry Validation Disembark Date In Day

0, >0

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0 = Do not validate passport expiry

>0 = Validate passport expiry date against disembark date with the par value specified in day

Passport Expiry Validation Disembark Date In Month

0, >0

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0 = Do not validate passport expiry

>0 = Validate passport expiry date against disembark date with the par value specified in month

Passport Expiry Validation Hard Stop

0 or1

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0= Disable Hard Stop Validation;

1 = Enable Hard Stop Validation

Passport Expiry Validation In Day

0, >0

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0 = Do not validate passport expiry;

>0 = Validate passport expiry date with the par value specified in day

Passport Expiry Validation In Month

0, >0

Define whether passport expiry validation is required.

0 = Do not validate passport expiry;

>0 =Validate passport expiry date with the par value specified in month

Overwrite Passport Details

0 or 1

Define if passport details can be overwritten.

0 = Do not allow overwrite passport details when guest name does not match with the passport guest name message prompted and 'No' answer is chosen.

1 = Allow to overwrite details

Key Runner Remote Printing

0 or 1

Define Key Runner Remote Printing

0 = Do not print Key Runner Remote Printing

1 = Print Key Runner Remote Printing

Auto Print Key Runner Receipt

0 or 1

Define Auto Print Key Runner Receipt

0 = Do Not Auto Print Key Runner Receipt

1 = Auto Print Key Runner Receipt

Auto Print Key Runner Receipt when scan barcode Extend Search Criteria = RES_BOOKNR


Define Auto Print Key Runner Receipt when scan barcode Extend Search Criteria = RES_BOOKNR

Table 7-2 PAR Group — Quick Check In

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Take Photo Before CheckIn

0 or 1

Define whether photo is required before completing the check-in.

0 = Not required

1 = Required

None Payment Department ID

E.g.: 9910

Define the DEP_ID for None Payment type use Wizard Screen

Gender Changed Msg If Swiped

0 or 1

Define whether to display or not to display the message when gender value changed during passport swipe.

Table 7-3 PAR Group - General

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Check Credit Card Registration

0 or 1

Define whether to check if same credit card is registered twice.

0 = Do not check

1 = Check card registration.

Enable Credit Card DCC

0 or 1

Option to use Dynamic Currency Conversion

0 = Disable

1 = Enable

DCC Base Country


Specify the Credit Card DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) Base Country, for example US.

Adult Min Age

E.g.: 18

Define the minimum age of an adult.