Digital Certificate Requirement

To implement digital signature cryptographic functions, a key pair of private key and public key is required. The key pair is stored in a digital certificate form. Norwegian Tax Authority requires that the digital certificate format to be as shown below.

  • Format: x.509

  • Charset: UTF-8

  • Encoding: Base-64

  • Endianness: Little Endian

  • OAEP Padding: PKCS1 v1.5 padding

  • Private key size: 1024 bits

  • Hash Message Format: SHA-1

Digital Signature

Digital signature in our context here is the asymmetrically encrypted hash of the Transaction Data. Briefly, the digital signature is defined as:

<Transactiondatahash> = Sha-1(<Transactiondata>)
<Digitalsignature> = Rsa-1024(<Transactiondatahash >) Using The Private Key

Signing and Verification Process

Figure -2 Signing and Verification Process

This figure shows the signing and verification process of digital certificate.

Figure -3 Sample Signed and Verified Certificate

This figure shows the sample signed and verified certificate.

Digital Signature Trail

To preserve the integrity of the transactions, Norwegian Tax Authority mandates that the digital signing process should be chained, as shown below where the signature trail that SPMS would apply for its digital signing function.

  • Cruise Line Company A

    • Ship AA

      • TransactionAA1

        • SignatureAA1

      • TransactionAA2

        • SignatureAA2 (from SignatureAA1)

      • TransactionAA3

        • SignatureAA3 (from SignatureAA2)

    • Ship AB

      • TransactionAB1

        • SignatureAB1

      • TransactionAB2

        • SignatureAB2 (from SignatureAB1)

      • TransactionAB3

        • SignatureAB3 (from SignatureAB2)

  • Cruise Line Company B

    • Ship BA

      • TransactionBA1

        • SignatureBA1

      • TransactionBA2

        • SignatureBA2 (from SignatureBA1)

      • TransactionBA3

        • SignatureBA3 (from SignatureBA2)

    • Ship BB

      • TransactionBB1

        • SignatureBB1

      • TransactionBB2

        • SignatureBB2 (from SignatureBB1)

      • TransactionBB3

        • SignatureBB3 (from SignatureBB2)

Verifying Digital Signature

Table -5 Digital Certificate Elements and Descriptions

Element in SAF-T Cash Register Description Format and requirements Examples

signature (previous)

Signature from previous receipt

Base-64 If no previous receipt the signature value must be set to “0” – number zero



Date at which the transaction was performed.

YYYY-MM-DD Do NOT use time zone or combined date and time format.

2014-01-24 2015-10-29


Time at which the transaction was performed.

hh:mm:ss Use ss=00 as default value if no information of seconds are available. Same as within the SAF-T export. Do NOT use time zone or combined date and time format.



Transaction number.

This must be a unique, sequential number within a journal.

This will be the same as the number stated on the issued receipt

No leading or ending spaces.



The amount involved in the transaction, including VAT.

Decimal Data Type: Numerical field with two decimals. Decimal separator “.” (dot). No thousand separators. No leading or ending spaces.

1250.00 -1250.00 0.00


The amount involved in the transaction, excluding VAT.

Decimal Data Type:

1000.00 -1000.00

signature (current)

Signature of current receipt

If no previous receipt the signature value must be set to “0” – number zero

Below are the steps to verify the digital signature.
  1. Get Transaction Data from e-journal xml file.

  2. Ensure that you have the public key in PEM format. You will need this to verify the signature.

  3. Save the transaction data in message.txt file.

  4. Save the signature in signature.txt file.

  5. Go to Windows search and type “git bash” to start the command line tool.

  6. Extract the public key from the certificate.

    $ openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in <certificate_name> > pubkey.pem
  7. Now, decode the base64 encoded signature and store it in “<signature_name>.txt” file.

    $ cat signature.txt| base64 -d > <signature_name>.txt
  8. Finally, verify the signature.

    $ openssl dgst -<name> -verify pubkey.pem -signature <signature_name>.txt message.txt