1 System Parameters

The following general parameters serves as a switch to enable/disable the features introduced by Norwegian Fiscal Enhancements. It also ensures that the changes introduced does not affect existing SPMS operations that do not require the Norwegian Fiscal Enhancements.

The parameters mentioned in the below table are inserted by running the Database Installer for release 8.0.8 and above. To enable this feature, login to Administration module, System Setup, Parameter, ‘General’ group.

Table 1-1 Parameter Group General

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Use Norwegian Fiscal Requirements


1 – Turn ON the Norwegian Fiscal Requirements Changes.

0 – Turn OFF the Norwegian Fiscal Requirements Changes.

Norwegian Tax Audit Report Path

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Oracle Hospitality Cruise\

Default path to store report output file.

When enabling the Norwegian Fiscal Enhancements general parameters, the application will prompt the following.

By enabling the parameter “Use Norwegian Fiscal Requirements”, you agree that the Financial functions (Postings, Payments and Printing of Invoices) in iCrew application will be disabled for ALL users permanently. Disabling this parameter is no longer permitted.

By clicking the Agree button, you consent to the agreement displayed, and is recorded in the SPMS database.

Once enable, the SPMS does not allow you to disable the Norwegian Fiscal Enhancements. If you attempt to disable the “Use Norwegian Fiscal Requirements” parameter from the Administration module, the application prompts “You are not allowed to disable the General parameter "Use Norwegian Fiscal Requirements" after you have agreed to turn it ON!”