1 Time and Attendance Module

The SPMS Time and Attendance program comprises of two modules, Time and Attendance (T&A) and Time and Attendance for Terminal. These modules allow the shift supervisors to prepare the crew weekly work schedule by location and task, as well as capturing the crew clock in/out time. The T&A Terminal enable the crew to swiftly clock-in/out their task, view and approve their worked hours.


The following table describes the System Parameter available to the Time and Attendance module. You can access them from Administration module or Time and Attendance module underConfiguration, Parameters.

Table 1-1 Parameter Group — T&A

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Approval Frequency


Every X number of days which the crew must approve their worked hours.

Approve Daily Worked Hours Clock-In/Out


Allows crew to approve their daily worked hours for clock-in/out.

Approve Weekly Hours


For used on T&A Terminal.

1= Show screen View My Weekly Hours,

0= Hide

Auto Adjust Time Slots on Terminal


Auto adjust overlapping time slots when crew add/edit their time.

Auto Log-out After x Mins of Inactivity


Number of minutes to wait for before auto log-out and exit to the main log-in menu when there is no activity on the Time Attendance Terminal. Specify the PAR value in number of minutes.

Crew Daily Work Time Approval For Clock In/Out


Daily cut-off time to show to crew his daily approval hours on the terminal.

Daily Work Time Approval


Denotes the time (in 24 hrs. format) that crewmembers must approve their total worked hours daily.

Display Date Time on Terminal


Option to display date time on terminal. Do not enable this option if the terminal hardware is slow. The Timer utilize the terminal resources to display the date time and may impact the performance.

Display Messages X days old at Terminal


Show only Messages X days old at Terminal. If value = 10, then terminal will only display messages dated from the previous 10 days.

Display Previous X days Clock-In/Out at terminal


Show only Previous X days Clock-In/Clock-Out activities in Manual Clock-In/Out screen. If Par value is 3, then the system will show previous 3 days activities in Manual Clock In/Out.

Enable Batch ClockIn/Out


0-do not allow batch clock in/out, 1 – allow to post to future only, 2 – allow to post to past and future.

Enable Manual Clock In/Out


Allows crew to access the Manual Clock-Clock-In/Out button at T&A Terminal.

Enable More Info


Allows crew to view the more info button on the terminal.

Enable View My Account


Allows crew to view their account overview on the terminal.

Enable View My Messages


Allows crew to view their messages on the terminal.

Enable View My Schedule


Allows crew to view their schedule on the terminal.

Filter Crew by Payment Type and Contract Type


Allows manager to filter crew by payment type on the Broadcast Message screen.

First Day of Week


First day of weekly schedule.

1= Sunday, 2= Monday, 3= Tuesday, 4= Wednesday, 5= Thursday, 6= Friday, 7= Saturday

Grace Period After Clock-In


Number of minutes for grace period after clock-in.

Grace Period After Clock-Out


Number of minutes for grace period after clock-out.

Grace Period Before Clock-In


Number of minutes for grace period before clock-in.

Grace Period Before Clock-Out


Number of minutes for grace period before clock-out.

IFC Time AttendanceCalc process every X minutes


Every X Minutes the interface calculates the total worked/rest hours.

ILO Maximum Work Hours in 24-hour period


Specify the maximum number of hours that a crew member can work in a 24-hour period as governed by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

ILO Maximum Work Hours in 7-day period


Specify the maximum number of hours that a crew member can work in a 7-day period as governed by ILO.

ILO Minimum Block Rest Hours in 24-hour period


Specify the minimum block (number of hours) that a crew member must rest in a 24-hour period as governed by ILO.

ILO Minimum Rest Hours in 24-hour period


Specify the minimum number of hours that a crew member must rest in a 24-hour period as governed by ILO.

ILO Minimum Rest Hours in 7-day period


Specifies the minimum number of hours that a crew member must rest in a 7-day period as governed by ILO.

Internal Browser Parameters


Webpage and set of the parameter passed to the browser for time attendance terminal.

Minutes Round Up


Clock-in/out are rounded at x-minutes before and after each quarter hour (00, 15, 30, 45). The system does this internally for the purpose of calculating the number of hours to be paid.

Past X Days Crew Can Request Approval Change

<0 to 7>

Past number of days that crew can access to change his schedule approval.

Restrict Login to Terminals


Crew can only log in to certain terminal based on the set up of terminals.

Schedule Validation Exception Positions


Value of OPO_ID separated by commas or leave it empty.

Use Alphanumeric Keyboard


1= Use alphanumeric keyboard on the terminal, 0= Use numeric keyboard.

Use Clock-In/ Clock-Out


1= Use clock-in/clock-out method, 0= Use time approval method.

Use Signature Capture


1= Use signature capture, 0= Signature capture not used.

View Current Weekly Hours Clock-In/Out


Allows crew to view their current week worked hours for clock-in/out.

View Daily Hours Clock-In/Out


Allows crew to view their daily worked hours for clock-in/out.

View Invoice by Voyage


Displays crew invoice by voyage on the terminal.

View Upcoming Drills


Shows upcoming drills on terminal.

Operational Position Rights

All users accessing the Time and Attendance module must have an Operational Position linked to their login credentials. This is to determine the location the crew belongs to, and to ease information retrieval within the program.

Figure 1-1 User Access — Operational Position

This figure shows the Operational Position configuration in User Access Settings.
  1. Log in to User Security module.

  2. At the User Details, Various section, select the Operational Position from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Apply to save.