8 Auto Update Pre-Register RFID Card on Online Door Lock System

This function is only applicable to ships running OHC VisiOnline in “Online” mode which allow registration of board card at QCIShore DB using the WebServices function ‘RegisterRFIDBoardCard’.

This function pushes the pre-registered RFID ID to VisiOnline System automatically, requesting an access to the door lock or call for an update of the RFID ID of the lock.

The following scenarios explains the process during the registration of the card.

Guest A Card is registered and the RES_QCI_RFID_ID is updated with the RFID UID.

The record is Updated to the Ship DB in RES_QCI_RFID_ID field and inserted to RFID table with RFID_ACTIVE = 1 and RFID_AUTO_UPD = 1 and then run WPF Security in Ship DB.

Scenario 1

  1. Scan the card registered card for Guest A using OMNIKey 5321.

  2. Record is created and added to PVF and send to VisiOnline with PVF_CMD=ResPostCheckIn.

  3. CCE command is send to Ving to check in the card.

Scenario 2

The RES_QCI_RFID_ID is updated but the record not created in RFID table in Ship DB.

  1. Scan the card to check in at Gangway.

  2. Record is added to RFID and PVF table

Scenario 3

The RES_QCI_RFID_ID is updated but the record not created in RFID table in Ship DB and the Guest status is Onboard.

  1. Scan the card at Gangway and this guest is placed to shore side. The RFID record is inserted.

  2. Scan the card again, the guest shows going onboard and check in.

  3. Once the record is check in, the record will add to PVF, to be send to VisiOnline

  4. The system inserts to PVF when the RES_STATUS change from RE to CC.

Scenario 4

If the RES_BOARDCC for the guest does not match the registered card track 2 value,

  1. Scan the card at Gangway.

  2. System will show the card is not recognized.