Validate gangway movement against configured security alerts



This is to validate the gangway movement against configured security alerts


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : Gangway Security Configuration
Type: object
Title: Gangway Security Configuration
Gangway Security Configuration
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  • This value is the primary key for Gangway Security Alert Configurations
    Example: 1
  • Allowed Values: [ "guest", "crew", "visitor" ]
    Indicates which type this account belongs to. P stands for Guest, C for Crew and V for Visitor
  • Allowed Values: [ 0, 1, 2 ]
    Indicates the gangway type. 0 stands for Internal Gate, 1 for Immigration Gate and 2 for Gangway
    Example: 1
  • Allowed Values: [ 0, 1, 2 ]
    Indicates the traffic direction. 0 stands for Both Ways, 1 for Outwards and 2 for Inwards
    Example: 1
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns the result of the security check based on the supplied account id
Body ()
Root Schema : Oracle Response object containing list items
Type: object
Title: Oracle Response object containing list items
The wrapper object when returning a list of objects in Oracle standard
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Gangway Security Configuration
Type: object
Title: Gangway Security Configuration
Gangway Security Configuration
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  • This value is the primary key for gangway security alert configurations
    Example: 1
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 500
    The message that is returned whenever the security check failed
    Example: Do not allow minor without guardian to go shoreside
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 3
    Allowed Values: [ "Override Not Allowed (0)", "Override Allow (1)", "Send Email Alert (2)", "Show Message Only (3)" ]
    All is allowed except for Override Not Allow
    Example: 1
  • This is the id that represents the sound file that is saved in the system
  • This value indicates whether this account violated the security check
    Example: true

400 Response

The supplied parameter(s) is not valid
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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401 Response

You are not authorized to use this API
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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403 Response

You are forbidden to use this API
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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404 Response

The Gangway Security Alert Configurations does not exist
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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405 Response

This method is not available
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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406 Response

Account Type not valid
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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415 Response

This media supplied is not supported
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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500 Response

Error occured while processing this request
Body ()
Root Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
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502 Response

Bad Gateway

503 Response

Service not available
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