12. Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Reports

During the day, or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of the several operations that were performed during the day in your financial institution. You can generate this information in the form of reports in Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing. You can specify the values in the Report Parameters section and generate a report using that information.

Navigation to Reports

On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home page, click Servicing > Servicing > Reports.

12.1 Accounts Payable Log By Customer

This servicing report lists accounts payables, sorted by customer.



Example of the Accounts Payable Log By Customer report

12.2 Accounts Payable Log By Producer

This servicing report lists accounts payables, sorted by producer.



Example of the Accounts Payable Log By Producer report

12.3 Accounts Payable Log By Third Party

This servicing report lists accounts payables, sorted by third party.



Example of the Accounts Payable Log By Third Party report

12.4 Accounts Payable Log By Vendor

This servicing report lists accounts payables, sorted by vendor.


Example of the Accounts Payable Log By Vendor report

12.5 GL Posting Log

This servicing report lists general ledger postings between the date ranges specified in input parameters. The report includes date of GL postings, description, additional information in Segment (1-10), Debited (Dr) and Credit (Cr) Amount.


Example of the GL Posting Log report

12.6 Pool Txns Log By GL Post Dt

This servicing report lists monetary transactions by GL post date.


Example of the Pool Txns Log By GL Post DT report

12.7 Producer Monetary Txns Log By GL Post DT

This servicing report lists producer monetary transactions sorted by GL post date.



Example of the Producer Monetary Txns Log By GL Post DT report

12.8 Producer Statement

This servicing report lists producer statements.



Example of the Producer Statement report

12.9 Account Wise PDC List

This report lists all the accounts with the corresponding PDCs received. Details including account number, customer name, tenor, bank name, cheque numbers (from and to), number of checks given and cheque amount are displayed.



Example of the Account Wise PDC List report

12.10 Payment Posting (Daily Cash) Log

This servicing report lists payment postings (daily cash).



Example of the Payment Posting Daily Cash Log

12.11 PDC Payslip

This report lists all accounts for which PDCs are required. This report is generated using month and year as parameters.



Example of the PDC Payslip report

12.12 Pending PDC List

This report lists all accounts for which the PDCs have to be deposited based on a cheque deposit date.



Example of the Pending PDC List report

12.13 Pool Defaults

This servicing report lists not liquidated securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Defaults report

12.14 Pool Delinquency

This servicing report lists delinquency securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Delinquency report

12.15 Pool Liquidated Contracts

This servicing report lists monthly recovery securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Liquidated Contracts report

12.16 Pool Monthly Activity

This servicing report lists monthly activity securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Monthly Activity report

12.17 Pool Payoffs

This servicing report lists payoff securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Payoffs report

12.18 Pool Recovery

This servicing report lists recovery securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Recovery report

12.19 Pool Repurchased Accounts

This servicing reports lists repurchased account securitization pools.



Example of the Pool Repurchased Accounts report

12.20 Vendor - Invoice Log

This report lists invoices.



Example of the Vendor - Invoice Log report

12.21 Vendor - Work Order Log

This report lists work orders.



Example of the Vendor - Work Order Log report

12.22 Payment Receipt

This report lists payment receipts.



Example of Payment Receipt report

12.23 Account Wise Payment Receipt

This report lists account wise payment receipts.



Example of Account Wise payment Receipt report

12.24 Account Payable (Servicing)

This report lists the payable accounts.



Example of Servicing Account Payable report

12.25 WorkList/Queue Log Summary

This report lists the collectors queue details with the total of accounts with delinquent and outstanding amounts.



Example of WorkList/Queue Log Summary report

12.26 Payment Error Log

This report lists the account specific error log report generated during payment posting batch transaction.



Example of Payment Error Log report

12.27 Payment Error Log by Suspense Amount

This report lists the suspense amount in an account during a batch transaction.



Example of Payment Error Log by Suspense Amount report

12.28 Customer Statements Transactions

This report lists the statements generated for customer account and Master Account during a batch transaction.



Example of Customer Statements Transactions report

12.29 Account Asset Details

Generating this report lists all ‘active’ assets associated to an account during a batch transaction.

Irrespective of the account status, only active asset details are listed in the report and if an account has multiple assets associated, then multiple entries are listed for same account with different asset details.

However, if an account does not have any active asset associated or the entered Account Number is invalid, then blank report is generated.

Report Parameters:


Example of Account Assets Detail Report

12.30 Trade Details

Generating this report lists the traded accounts information within the specified date range provided in input parameters. These accounts consists of both existing (old) accounts which are traded along with new accounts which are created as part of the trade.

Also, this report consists of only those accounts in which the ‘Trade Details’ are populated as on the report generation date. Only the ‘Primary’ customer details are captured and if an account has multiple associated assets, then the consolidated points of all assets is displayed against each account.

Report Parameters:


Example of Trade Details Report

12.31 Funding Accounts Log Details

Generating this report lists all the accounts which are funded between the date range specified in input parameters. Also by default this report is generated daily during the scheduled batch job processing and consists of accounts which are funded as on report generation date.

If an account has multiple assets associated, then multiple entries are listed for same account with different asset details. The ‘Trade Type’ column in the report indicates that the account is created as part of Trade. Else, the same is displayed blank. For more information on Trade, refer to Appendix: Trading of Accounts chapter.

Report Parameters:


Example of Funding Accounts Log Details

12.32 Master Account Payment Log

Generating this report lists all the payment details posted on Master account and its Associated accounts between the date range specified in input parameters.

This report is also generated daily during the scheduled batch job processing and populates the payment details available in ‘Transactions’ table for Master and Associated accounts as on report generation date for selected product type.

However, since system derives the payment details from ‘Transactions’ table data, the scheduled batch job has to be sequenced to run only after ‘Account Balance Summary’ batch job so that the opening balance for account is available on report generation date.

By default this report captures the payments details posted on ‘Primary’ customer of account and in case an invalid account # is selected or if the selected one is not a Master Account, then the report is generated blank.

Report Parameters:


Example of Master Account Payment Log

12.33 Payment Allocation Details

Generating this report lists the payment allocation details applied on account between the date range specified in input parameters.

This report is also generated daily during the scheduled batch job processing and populates all the payment allocation details applied on accounts as on report generation date for selected product type.

In case an invalid account # is selected, then the report is generated blank.

Report Parameters:


Example of Payment Allocation Details


12.34 Amortized Txns Log By GL Post Dt - Line

This report lists monetary transactions by GL post date for lines of credit.



Example of the Amortized Txns Log By GL Post Dt - Line report

12.35 Monetary Txns Log By GL Post Dt - Line

This servicing report lists monetary transactions by GL post date for lines of credit.



Example of the Monetary Txns Log By GL Post Dt - Line report

12.36 Payment Allocations Log By GL Post Dt - Line

This servicing report lists payment allocations sorted by GL post date for lines of credit.



Example of Payment Allocations Log - Line report

12.37 Advance Posting Error Log Desc Line

This servicing report lists errors in advance postings for lines of credit.



Example of the Advance Posting Error Log Desc Line report

12.38 Advance Posting Log Line

This servicing report lists advance postings for lines of credit.



Example for Advance Posting Log Line report

12.39 Excess Payments (Refund) Log Line

This report lists excess payment refunds for lines of credit.



Example for Excess Payments Refund Log Line report

12.40 Payment Allocations Log Line

This servicing report lists payment allocations for lines of credit.



Example of the Payments Allocation Log Line report

12.41 Payment History Line

This servicing report lists payment history for lines of credit.



Example of the Payment History Line report

12.42 Scheduled For Chargeoff Accounts Log Line

This servicing report lists line accounts scheduled for charge off.



Example of the Scheduled For Chargeoff Accounts Log Line report

12.43 Scheduled For Termination Accounts Log Line

This servicing report lists lines of credit accounts scheduled for termination.


Example of the Scheduled For Termination Accounts Log Line report

12.44 Trial Balance Line

This report lists trial balances for lines of credit.



Example of the Trial Balance Lines report

12.45 Charge Off Accounts Log - Line

This report lists the accounts with charge off amount details.



Example of Charge Off Accounts Log - Line Report