2. Installing WebServices Database Objects

Download and unzip the WebServices database (ofsllxwsdb.zip) to a staging folder.

Run $ ./installofsllxwsdb.sh

This installer adds the required tables and packages to the apllication database.

Enter ‘y’ when prompted to continue.

Script Prompts

Description and Action Required

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Home Path

Enter the path to the home directory. This is referred to as $OFSLL_HOME. Enter ‘y’ when prompted for.


Script Prompts

Description and Action Required

Oracle DB Home Path

Enter the path to the Oracle DB home directory. This is referred to as $ORACLE_HOME. Enter ‘y’ when prompted for.

Oracle SID

Enter the Name of Oracle Instance. Enter ‘y’ when prompted for.


The script lists and sets the CRITICAL environment variables

Enter ‘y’ when prompted to continue. A list of items available for installation are listed. Enter ‘y’ when prompted to ‘Continue with Installation’.

Sets the path for the location of log files. Press ‘Enter’ to continue.

Script Prompts

Description and Action Required

Oracle User ID that will own the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing objects

Valid User ID

Password for this User ID

Valid Password

The script installs the objects.

While installing, the script recompiles the invalid objects and completes the installation of DB objects.