Description of the illustration sagug001.eps

This is an illustration of the components in an Oracle Exadata Database Machine environment. On the left side of the image shows is a representation of the Administrator user, managing the storage servers using a terminal and CellCLI with SSH connections.

The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is represented by multiple layers of objects, each in a row, arranged from top to bottom. The top layer is a row of database instances, with some of the components of each instance illustrated. The middle layer is a box titled Network. Each instance in the database layer has connections to the storage cell layer (the third layer), represented as jagged lines going through the network layer. The storage server layer shows individual storage cells, with some of the components of each storage server illustrated. Each storage cell is connected to a group of disks, with the label "Disks with Storage Files".

The components highlighted in the database instances and storage cells are described in the text that follows this image.