ProjectResourceQuantity REST Endpoints


The ProjectResourceQuantity object provides access to resource allocation hours per week for resources assigned to a project at the Project or WBS level. Usually there is one ProjectResourceQuantity object per week, and it corresponds to a record in the wbsrsrc_qty table. However, when a week contains days from more than one month, two ProjectResourceQuantity objects (and so, two records) will exist based on the two week fragments. They both have the same WeekStartDate but their MonthStartDate and week fragment data are different: The first ProjectResourceQuantity object holds data for the first week fragment, and its MonthStartDate has the same month as the WeekStartDate. The second ProjectResourceQuantity object holds data for the second week fragment, and its MonthStartDate is that of the next month.

Note that this business object has a multi-part object ID; its object ID is a combination of its project resource object ID, its week start date, its month start date, and its quantity.

Create ProjectResourceQuantity
Method: post
Path: /projectResourceQuantity
Delete ProjectResourceQuantity
Method: delete
Path: /projectResourceQuantity
Reads ProjectResourceQuantity
Method: get
Path: /projectResourceQuantity
Update ProjectResourceQuantity
Method: put
Path: /projectResourceQuantity
View ProjectResourceQuantity Field Length
Method: get
Path: /projectResourceQuantity/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View ProjectResourceQuantity fields
Method: get
Path: /projectResourceQuantity/fields