Update GlobalPreferences
Send a request to this endpoint to update one or more GlobalPreferences. An application object will be created for each JSON object provided in the request body
Header Parameters
OAuth token
Supported Media Types
- application/json
A list of GlobalPreferences objects.
Root Schema : List<GlobalPreferences>
Show Source
Array of:
object GlobalPreferences
GlobalPreferences Entity
Nested Schema : GlobalPreferences
GlobalPreferences Entity
Show Source
AllowApprovedTSRejection: boolean
AlwaysLaunchOnlineHelp: boolean
The flag indicating that Online Help should be launched whenever a user accesses help.
BaseCurrencyObjectId: integer
The unique ID of the currency.
ContractManagementURL: string
This is the URL of the Contract Management application.
CreateDate: string
The date this global preferences was created.
CreateUser: string
The name of the user that created this global preferences.
CustomLabel1: string
The custom (user-defined) text that will be inserted into any report containing the Custom Label 1 global variable text cell, when printed.
CustomLabel2: string
The custom (user-defined) text that will be inserted into any report containing the Custom Label 2 global variable text cell, when printed.
CustomLabel3: string
The custom (user-defined) text that will be inserted into any report containing the Custom Label 3 global variable text cell, when printed.
DayAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of days. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
DefaultDuration: number
The planned duration assigned to new activities by default.
DefaultTimesheetApprovalManager: integer
The unique ID of the resource manager assigned to approve timesheets for new resources by default.
EarnedValueCalculation: string
The flag indicating which values to use when calculating earned value when using a primary baseline. Valid values are 'At Completion Values with Current Dates', 'Planned Values with Planned Dates', and 'Planned Values with Current Dates'.
EmailNotifyTSRejection: boolean
EnablePasswordPolicy: boolean
The flag that indicates whether the password policy is enforced.
EnableTSAudit: boolean
The flag indicating whether to track timesheet submission, approval, and rejection. When you set this option, the application saves each user who reviews a timesheet, and when the timesheet was reviewed. This information can be viewed by loading TimesheetAudit business objects.
EnableWebServicesIPCheck: boolean
EnableWhatsNewDialog: boolean
EPPMConsentMessage: string
EPPMEnableConsent: string
EVEstimateToCompleteFactor: number
The user-defined performance factor, PF, for computing earned-value estimate-to-complete. ETC is computed as PF * ( BAC - earned value). This value is assigned to new projects by default. It can be modified for each project WBS element.
EVEstimateToCompleteTechnique: string
The technique for computing earned-value estimate-to-complete. This setting is assigned to new projects by default. It can be modified for each project WBS element.
EVPerformancePctCompleteCustomPct: number
The user-defined percent complete for computing earned value for activities within the WBS. A value of, say, 25 means that 25% of the planned amount is earned when the activity is started and the remainder is earned when the activity is completed. This value is assigned to new projects by default. It can be modified for each project WBS element.
EVPerformancePctCompleteTechnique: string
The technique used for computing earned-value percent complete. This setting is assigned to new projects by default. It can be modified for each project WBS element.
ExceptionSiteList: string
- FooterLabel1: string
- FooterLabel2: string
- FooterLabel3: string
GatewayApiUrl: string
The Primavera Gateway URL that will allow you to integrate other products with P6 and P6 Professional.
GatewayExportERPSyncName: string
The synchronization for exporting to ERP.
GatewayExportUnifierSyncName: string
The synchronization for exporting to Primavera Unifier.
GatewayImportERPSyncName: string
The synchronization for importing to ERP.
GatewayImportUnifierSyncName: string
The synchronization for importing to Primavera Unifier.
GatewayP6DeploymentName: string
The name for the P6 deployment to be integrated with Primavera Gateway.
GatewayPassword: string
The password for integration.
GatewayUnifierEnabled: boolean
This is the flag to enable Unifier through Gateway.
GatewayUsername: string
The username for integration.
HeaderLabel1: string
The first header for reports. The Project Management application allows up to three different header text strings that can be optionally placed at the top of all reports using the report writer.
HeaderLabel2: string
The second header for reports. The Project Management application allows up to three different header text strings that can be optionally placed at the top of all reports using the report writer.
HeaderLabel3: string
The third header for reports. The Project Management application allows up to three different header text strings that can be optionally placed at the top of all reports using the report writer.
HourAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of hours. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
HoursPerDay: number
The number of work hours per day. This conversion factor is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
HoursPerMonth: number
The number of work hours per month. This conversion factor is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
HoursPerWeek: number
The number of work hours per week. This conversion factor is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
HoursPerYear: number
The number of work hours per year. This conversion factor is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
IPSiteList: string
LastUpdateDate: string
The date this global preferences was last updated.
LastUpdateUser: string
The name of the user that last updated this global preferences.
LogHoursAfterActualFinish: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users are allowed to log timesheet hours on activities for dates after the activities' actual finish dates.
LogHoursBeforeActualStart: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users are allowed to log timesheet hours on activities for dates prior to the activities' actual start dates.
LogHoursCompletedActivities: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users are allowed to log timesheet hours on activities that are already marked as completed.
LogHoursInFuture: boolean
The flag that indicates whether the user can log hours in the future.
LogHoursNotStartedActivities: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users are allowed to log timesheet hours on activities that are still marked as Not started.
MaxActivityCodesPerProject: integer
The maximum number of project-level activity user codes that can be created per project.
MaxActivityCodeTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels that can be created in activity code hierarchies in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating activity codes.
MaxActivityIdLength: integer
The maximum number of characters allowed for activity IDs.
MaxAssignmentCodeTreeLevelCnt: integer
MaxBaselinesPerProject: integer
The maximum number of baselines that can be created per project.
MaxCostAccountLength: integer
The maximum number of characters allowed for cost account IDs (at each level in the cost account tree).
MaxCostAccountTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels that can be created in the cost account hierarchy in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating cost accounts.
MaxFPCalendarCount: integer
MaximumBaselinesCopiedWithProject: integer
The number of baseline projects that can be copied with a project.
MaxOBSTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels that can be created in OBS hierarchies in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating OBS objects.
MaxProjectCodeTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels in the project category hierarchy in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating project codes.
MaxProjectIdLength: integer
The maximum number characters allowed for project IDs.
MaxResourceCodeTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels in the resource code hierarchy in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating resource codes.
MaxResourceIdLength: integer
The maximum number of characters allowed for resource IDs (at each level in the resource tree).
MaxResourceTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels that can be created in the resource hierarchy.
MaxRoleCodeTreeLevelCnt: integer
MaxRoleIdLength: integer
The maximum number characters allowed for role IDs.
MaxRoleTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels in the role hierarchy in the Project Management application. The API ignores this setting when creating roles.
MaxTimesheetResourceHours: number
The maximum hours a resource can enter per day for all of their assigned activities.
MaxWBSCodeLength: integer
The maximum number of characters allowed for WBS codes (at each level in the WBS tree).
MaxWBSTreeLevels: integer
The maximum number of levels that can be created in WBS hierarchies.
MinuteAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of minutes. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
MonthAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of months. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
NumberOfAccessibleFutureTimesheets: integer
The number of future timesheets that timesheet application users are allowed to access.
NumberOfAccessiblePastTimesheets: integer
PrivateIPAllowList: string
ReportEnableLazyLoad: boolean
ResourcesCanAssignThemselvesToActivities: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users are allowed to assign themselves to activities in this project.
ResourcesCanAssignThemselvesToActivitiesOutsideTheirOBSAccess: boolean
StartDayOfWeek: integer
The starting day of the week as displayed in all calendars.
SummarizeByCalendar: boolean
The flag indicating whether to summarize by calendar .
SummarizeByFinancialPeriods: boolean
The flag indicating whether to summarize the EPS, project or WBS by financial periods.
SummaryResourceSpreadInterval: string
The interval in which resource and role level spreads are summarized and stored. Valid values are 'Month' and 'Week'. This setting is used by the Summarizer job service.
SummaryWBSSpreadInterval: string
The interval in which WBS level spreads are summarized and stored. Valid values are 'Month' and 'Week'. This setting is used by the Summarizer job service.
TeamMemberConsentMessage: string
TeamMemberEnableConsent: string
TimesheetApprovalLevel: integer
The number of approval levels required for timesheets (0, 1, or 2) before timesheets hours are applied to activities as actuals.
TimesheetDecimalDigits: integer
The number of decimal digits for recording hours in timesheets.
TimesheetInterval: boolean
The flag that indicates whether timesheet application users enter timesheet hours daily or by entire timesheet reporting period.
TimesheetPeriodEndsOnDay: string
The end day of time sheet period used in time sheet application. Valid values are: 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday' and 'Saturday'.
TimesheetPeriodType: string
The time period used in time sheet application. Valid values are: 'Every Week', 'Every Two Weeks', 'Every Four Weeks' and 'Every Month'.
TimeWindowCompletedActivities: integer
The time window (days) to access completed activities in the timesheet application, assigned to new resources by default.
TimeWindowNotStartedActivities: integer
The time window (days) to access not started activities in the timesheet application, assigned to new resources by default.
UnifierAuthCode: string
UnifierCompanyShortName: string
UnifierIntegrationPassword: string
UnifierIntegrationUserName: string
UnifierWebServiceURL: string
UseCalendarTimePeriodsFlag: boolean
The flag that indicates whether the system uses the hours per time period defined in the calendar.If this flag is true, the system uses the hours per time period settings that are defined in the calendar.If this flag is false, the system uses the hours per time period from the global preferences.
UseMaxTimesheetResourceHours: boolean
The flag indicating whether to restrict the number of hours a user can enter to the limit specified in MaxTimesheetResourceHours.
UseProjectManagerApproval: string
The flag that indicates the approval sequence, if any, required for level 2 timesheet approvals. For example, project managers must approve before resource manager do, or vice versa.
UseTimesheets: boolean
The flag that indicates whether new resources use timesheets by default.
VersionForWhatsNew: string
WBSCategoryLabel: string
The dynamic label used for the WBS category. Project Planner allows the system administrator to dynamically label the WBS category.
WBSCodeSeparator: string
The character used for separating code fields for the cost account tree. This is also the WBS code separator for new projects by default.
WeekAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of weeks. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
YearAbbreviation: string
The abbreviation character for time periods of years. This abbreviation is used for displaying time units and durations in the user's selected display formats.
Supported Media Types
- application/json
200 Response
Root Schema : schema
400 Response
Bad Request.
401 Response
403 Response
404 Response
Not Found.
405 Response
Invalid Input.
500 Response
Internal Server Error.