Prerequisites for SQL Server Configuration

Before you create the Microsoft SQL Server database structure, you should first register to the server as a system administrator (SA) and review the following server-level configuration changes in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

  1. Max Worker Threads Specify the number of threads used to support the users connected to the server. The default setting (255) might be too high for some configurations, depending on the number of simultaneous users. Each worker thread allocates, even if it is not being used; if you have fewer simultaneous connections than allocated worker threads, you could be wasting memory.
  2. Memory Keep the setting as Dynamic. Microsoft SQL Server dynamically acquires and frees memory as needed, up to the maximum available memory on your server.
  3. Open Objects Keep the setting as Dynamic. This setting determines the maximum number of objects that can open simultaneously on Microsoft SQL Server. The value is set automatically depending on the current system. You should not have to change this value.
  4. User Connections Keep the setting as 0. This setting designates Microsoft SQL Server to adjust the number of simultaneous user connections allowed based on how many are needed, up to the maximum value.
  5. Network Packet Size Set to 16384.
  6. Ensure that you have FILESTREAM enabled. For information on how to enable FILESTREAM, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for your version.

    Note: jobsvc.job_data_x is used to store XML data for XML import processes using the Varbinary(Max) datatype. In order to support the Varbinary(Max) datatype, you must enable FILESTREAM.

  7. After configuring the server, stop and start Microsoft SQL Server to ensure that the changes take effect.

Related Topics

Creating the Database Structure for Microsoft SQL Server and Loading Application Data

Creating the P6 EPPM Database Structure for Microsoft SQL Server

Dropping P6 EPPM Database Objects for Microsoft SQL Server

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