Changing the Base Currency For MS SQL

To change the base currency:

  1. On the P6 EPPM physical media or download:
    1. Browse to \Database\scripts\common.
    2. Copy this script to a local drive:

      For Microsoft SQL Server: ss_set_currency.sql

  2. If you copied the script from the physical media, turn off the script's read-only attribute.

    Since files on physical media are read-only, this attribute turns on when you copy a file from a CD or DVD.

    1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file.
    2. Choose Properties.
    3. Clear the Read-Only option.
  3. Open the script for editing and locate the line containing v_new_base_currency: = ‘USD’
  4. Replace USD with the currency short name of your choice.
  5. Save your changes and run the modified script.

Related Topics

Changing the Database Base Currency

The Base Currency

Reviewing Currency Choices

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