Add a bar to the Gantt Chart

  1. Choose View, Bars.
    You can also click the Layout Options bar and choose Bars.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Mark the Display checkbox next to the new bar.
  4. Type a name for the new bar.
  5. In the Timescale column, select the timescale you want the new Gantt Chart bar to represent.
  6. In the Filter column, choose the filter you want to attach to the bar.
    Filters determine which activities the bar represents.
  7. Click the Bar Style tab and configure the new bar's style.
    The Preview column shows you what the configured bar will look like in the Gantt Chart.
  8. Click the Bar Settings tab and select grouping and necking options.
  9. Click the Bar Labels tab and specify the new bar’s label and position.
  10. To preview your changes, click Apply.


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The Gantt Chart

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Last Published Tuesday, December 7, 2021