Add weights to steps

Weighted steps enable you to track the progress of an activity based on the number of steps completed. To calculate weighted steps you must first mark the Activity Percent Complete Based on Activity Steps checkbox for the project you want to use (this checkbox is located on the Calculations tab in the Project details view). Then, for each activity containing weighted steps, set the percent complete type to Physical.

When you add a step to an activity that already has steps defined, the default weight for the new step is 1, providing no steps have been marked Completed, and no steps have a Step % Complete of 100%. If some of the steps for the activity have already been completed, the default weight for the new step is 0.

  1. Choose Project, Activities.
  2. Select the activity to which you want to add a step weight.
  3. Display Activity Details, then click the Steps tab.
  4. Double-click the Step Weight column of the step you want to modify.
  5. Type a value for the weight of the step.

    The higher the value you enter, the greater the importance of the step in the activity. Based on the total weight for all steps in the activity, the percent for each step is calculated and displayed in the Step Weight Percent column.


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Last Published Tuesday, December 7, 2021