Miscellaneous tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

RiskLevelDescription: Select a UDF to set as the Risk Level Description. This UDF represents the risk level for activities.

PriorityRankingNumeric: Select a UDF to set as the Priority Ranking Numeric. This UDF represents the order for activities.

EarnedValueMethodCode: Select a UDF to set as the Earned Value Method Code. This UDF represents the method for calcuating Earned Value

ScheduleLevelNumeric: Select a UDF to set as the Schedule Level.

MileStoneWeightNumeric: Select a UDF to set as the Milestone Weight.

ControlAccountID: Select a UDF to set as the Control Account ID.

ScheduleLevel: Select a UDF to set as the Schedule Level.

WorkPackageID: Select a UDF to set as the Work Package ID.

PlanningLevelCode: Select a UDF to set as the Planning Level Code.


For further information about these fields, please refer to the UN/CEFACT mapping documentation.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021