Exchanging data with Primavera Unifier using Summary Sheet Integration

Caution: Check with your administrator what type of integration you are using and which actions you should use. Choosing the incorrect integration type or using the incorrect action could result in data corruption.

To exchange data with Primavera Unifier using summary sheet integration:

  1. Open the project or projects that you want to exchange with Primavera Unifier.
  2. Select Exchange Data, from the File menu and then select an action.
  3. If the action you selected is an export action, in the action dialog box:
    1. Mark Summary and Spread data.
    2. Mark WBS Hierarchy if you want to send the WBS hierarchy to Primavera Unifier.
    3. Verify that the projects you want to send to Primavera Unifier are listed.
    4. Mark the Send checkbox next to each baseline you want to send to Primavera Unifier.
    5. Click Send.


      • You must have the Exchange Project Data with Primavera Unifier privilege set in P6 and P6 EPPM must be configured for integration with Primavera Unifier.
      • Before you exchange project data with Primavera Unifier you must link a project with a Primavera Unifier Project.

Related Topics

Linking Primavera Unifier data (P6 EPPM Only)

Link a project with a Primavera Unifier Project (P6 EPPM Only)

Exchanging data with Primavera Unifier using Schedule Sheet Integration

Exchanging data with Primavera Unifier using Activity Sheet Integration

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021