Bars dialog box

Use the Bars dialog box to specify the style and labels for the bars in a Gantt Chart.

The Bars dialog box contains the following tabs:

In addition, the following fields and buttons are available in the Bars dialog box:

Display: Mark to display the corresponding bar in the Gantt Chart.

Name: The bar name; this does not display in the layout. Double-click to change the bar name.

Timescale: The timescaled data that the bar represents. Double-click the timescale to change it.

Filter: The filter applied to the data item represented by the bar type. Double-click the filter to change it.

Preview: Shows how the bar will appear.

Apply: Click to preview your changes without closing this dialog box.

Add: Click to add a bar to the current layout.

Delete: Click to delete the selected bar. To remove a specific bar from the layout display without deleting it, clear the Display checkbox next to the bar.

Copy From: (Activity Layouts only) To apply Gantt Chart settings from another layout to the current activity layout, click this button.

ShiftUp: Click to move the selected bar up one position.

ShiftDown: Click to move the selected bar down one position.

Options: Click to specify Gantt Chart background line and legend options.

Default: Click to apply the default Gantt Chart settings.

Related Topics

More Detail: Specifying a bar's timescale

Bar Labels tab - Bars dialog box

Bar Settings tab - Bars dialog box

Bar Style tab - Bars dialog box

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