Calculations tab - User Preferences dialog box

The Calculations tab enables you to specify how to calculate remaining values when new resource assignments are added to or removed from activities. You can also choose the default behavior when replacing a resource on an existing activity assignment and when both a resource and role share an activity assignment.


Resource Assignments

Preserve the Units, Duration, and Units/Time for existing assignments: When adding or removing multiple resource assignments on activities, choose this option for units, durations, and units/time to remain constant when additional resources are assigned to an activity. Regardless of the duration type of an activity, this equation will always remain true:

Remaining Units = Remaining Duration * Remaining Units/Time

Recalculate the Units, Duration, and Units/Time for existing assignments based on the activity Duration Type: When adding or removing multiple resource assignments on activities, choose this option to calculate a resource assignment's remaining values based on the activity's duration type specified in the Activity Details General tab.


Assignment Staffing

When assigning a resource to an existing activity assignment: When you replace the resource on an activity assignment with a different resource, choose to always use the units/time and overtime factor of the current assignment or of the new resource replacing the existing assignment; or, you can choose to be prompted to select which units/time and overtime factor you want to use each time you replace a resource on an existing activity assignment.

When a resource and role share an activity assignment: When assigning a resource to an existing role assignment (or a role to an existing resource assignment), you can choose to always use the price/unit of the resource or role; or, you can choose to be prompted to select which price/unit you want to use each time you assign a resource to an role assignment (or a role to a resource assignment).


Dissolving Activities

Regain lag: When you dissolve an activity, choose to retain the lag from the relationships with that activity. If you choose to retain lag, the lag from the predecessor relationship is added to the lag from successor relationship and applied to the newly created relationship. If this option is not selected, when you dissolve an activity, the newly created relationship has zero lag.

Related Topics

How - Calculations tab - User Preferences dialog box

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