Cell tab - Properties dialog box

Use the Cell tab to specify the contents of a text cell and to define the cell's settings. You can specify how you want the cell's information to be formatted in the compiled report and define an HTML link to the cell. If the selected cell is part of a data source, you can apply one or more filters to specify the information you want to compile for this cell in the report.

General Settings

Cell type: The type of information the selected cell reports. Cell type can be:

You can select a new cell type.

Cell object: If the cell type is Field Title or Field Data, this field defines the category of information reported in the text cell, for example Activity. The list of available cell objects corresponds to the data source that contains the selected cell.

The choices in the Cell Object field reflect the data source (table) you specified. If the table is joined to one or more other tables in the database, the full path to the selected data source is displayed. For example: Activity Name \ <activity_name> \ Activity Code \ Project \ Default Cost Account \ Parent Cost Account.

If you change the data source, the list of available field names will also change.

The Cell Object field is not used for Variable or Custom Text cells.

You can select a new cell object.

Cell field: If the cell type is Field Title or Field Data, this is the name of the specific database field the text cell references. For example, if you want to report Activity Name in a text cell, the Cell Object would be Activity and the Cell Field would be Activity Name. The list of available cell fields reflects the Cell Object you specify for the selected cell.

You can select a new field.

Cell variable: If the cell type is Variable, this is the variable data field the selected cell reports. You can select a new field.

Custom Text: If the cell type is Custom Text, this is the text entered in the selected cell. You can type new text.

Align cell: The selected cell's position relative to the report's left and right margins. A cell's alignment may be:

You can select a new alignment.

Text alignment: The horizontal position of the selected cell's text, relative to the cell's left and right edges. You can select a new alignment.

Font style: The name of the style applied to text displayed in the selected cell. You can select a new style.

Custom Font: Enables you to specify custom formatting options for text displayed in the selected cell.


Left: The cell's indent from the report's left margin, or the numeric distance between the left margin of the report and the left edge of the cell.

If the cell's alignment is Left or None, you can type a new number. If the selected cell's alignment is Right or Center, the left indent is determined for you.

Width: The numeric width or distance the selected cell occupies between the report's left and right margins.

If the cell's alignment is Left, Right, or None, type a new number. If the selected cell's alignment is Center, the cell's width is determined for you.

Color: Click to change the selected cell's color.

Timescale Type: For time-distributed data, select how you want to see summary data reported across the timescale, for example, by timescale interval, or period totals only.

Borders: Click to add or remove cell borders.

Edit filter: For field data cells that are part of a data source only, click to add or edit filters for information compiled for the selected cell.

HTML links: Click to define HTML links for the selected cell, if you want the cell to contain a link to a Web site.

Repeat over timescale: Mark to include time distributions in the displayed report. This feature compiles information according to the timescale options you select under the Report tab. This option is available only for fields that report time-distributed data, for example, fields that report units or costs.

Format Cell Text: Mark to display currency, time, and percentage symbols where appropriate within the report. For example, if you do not choose this option, 1000 labor unit hours would display simply as 1000. If you choose this option an h is appended to the value: 1000h.

Indent Cell: Mark to indent information reported in the selected cell to indicate hierarchy levels.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021