Dates tab - Project Details

Use this tab to view or modify dates for the selected project.

Schedule Dates

Project Planned Start: The start date of the project.

Must Finish By: A date constraint placed on the project end date.

When you add a must finish by date, the calendar defaults to the date and time of the project's finish date. When the Finish is blank, the calendar defaults to the current system date and time.

When you edit the must finish by date, the calendar defaults to the date and time currently in the Must Finish By field.

Data Date: The date used as the starting point to calculate the schedule.

Finish: The latest early finish date calculated when P6 Professional last scheduled the project.

Actual Start: The actual start date of the project, if the project has started.

Actual Finish: The actual finish date of the project, if the project has finished—all activities in the project have actual finish dates.

Anticipated Dates

Anticipated Start: The user-defined date the project is expected to start; used during the project planning stage, and set at the WBS, EPS, or project level.

Anticipated Finish: The user-defined date the project is expected to finish; used during the project planning stage, and set at the WBS, EPS, or project level.

Note: The following applies only to a project that has no activities: The application uses the Project Planned Start date as the Start date if no Anticipated Start is defined; if Anticipated Start is defined, then it is used as the Start date. The Finish date is blank if no Anticipated Finish is defined; if Anticipated Finish is defined, then it is used as the Finish date.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021