Details tab - Resource Details

Resource Type

Labor: Choose to indicate that the selected resource performs labor.

Nonlabor: Choose to indicate that the selected resource does not perform labor.

Material: Choose to measure the selected resource in units other than time.

Unit of Measure: Select a unit of measure to use for the selected material resource.


Currency and Overtime

Currency: The currency associated with the resource's costs. By default, this field displays the view currency selected in User Preferences when the resource was added. Click to select a different currency.

Overtime Allowed: Mark to indicate that the selected resource can log overtime hours for assigned activities.

Overtime Factor: The multiplication factor used to calculate the selected resource's overtime price (standard price * overtime factor = overtime price). You can type a new factor. Overtime factors must be between 0 and 10.


Calendar: The name of the selected resource's assigned calendar. Click to assign a new shared resource calendar.

Create Personal Calendar: Click to create and assign a personal resource calendar for the selected resource. This button is disabled if the selected resource is already assigned a personal resource calendar or if you do not have the Add/Edit/Delete Resource Calendars global privilege. When connected to a P6 EPPM database, this privilege is defined using P6.

Default Units/Time: The units/time applied to all new resources. You can type a new units/time. If you change the default units/time, existing resource assignments are not affected.

Auto Compute Actuals: Mark this checkbox to automatically calculate the selected resource’s actual quantity of work according to project plan.

Calculate costs from units: Mark this checkbox to indicate that any new assignments for this resource will have its costs recalculated whenever any quantity changes occur.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021