Earned Value tab - WBS Details

Technique for computing performance percent complete

Activity percent complete: Calculates earned value according to current activity completion percentages.

Use resource curves/future period buckets: Mark to override the Activity Percent Complete type for activities that have a resource curve assigned to, or manually-entered future period bucket values defined for, at least one of the resource assignments. If a curve is assigned, Units Percent Complete is always multiplied by the Budget at Completion to calculate Earned Value.

WBS milestones percent complete: Calculates earned value according to weighted milestones you define on the WBS Milestones tab. Enter a number in the Weight cell indicating the significance of this milestone relative to the others listed. As each milestone completes, the WBS element’s percent complete is calculated based on the weight of the completed milestone in relation to the remaining milestones.

0/100: Calculates earned value as 100% only after the activity ends. Until the activity is complete, calculate earned value as 0.

50/50: Calculates earned value as 50% after the activity starts and until the activity ends. After the activity ends, the activity's earned value is 100%.

Custom percent complete: Calculates earned value as a percentage you specify. This percentage applies after the activity starts and until the activity ends. After the activity ends, the activity's earned value is 100%.

Technique for computing Estimate to Complete (ETC)

ETC = remaining cost for activity: Calculates Estimate to Complete (ETC) values as the remaining cost to complete an activity (ETC = remaining duration of activity * applicable resource rates).

ETC = PF * (Budget at Completion –Earned Value), where:

PF=1: Calculates Estimate to Complete (ETC) values as Budget At Completion (BAC) less Earned Value Cost.

PF=1/Cost Performance Index: Calculates Estimate to Complete (ETC) values according to a Performance Factor (PF) of 1 divided by the Cost Performance Index (CPI).

PF=1/(Cost Performance Index * Schedule Performance Index): Calculates Estimate To Complete (ETC) values according to a Performance Factor (PF) of 1 divided by the product of the Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI).

PF=: Calculates Estimate To Complete (ETC) values according to a Performance Factor (PF) you specify. The Performance Factor (PF) used to calculate Estimate To Complete (ETC) values. You can type a new factor.

Related Topics

Estimate to Complete (ETC)

Budget At Completion (BAC)

Earned Value Cost

Performance Factor (PF)

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index

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