Edit Filter dialog box

Use the Edit Filter dialog box to add, edit, and remove filters for information compiled by the selected data source, cell, row, or image. The Edit Filter dialog box is displayed when you click Edit filter on the Data Source, Cell, Row, or Image tab in the Properties dialog box.

Display Options bar: Click to optimize or preview the filter conditions.

Parameter: Click in the top row of the Parameter column to select the logical search operator you want to use to create the filter. In the Where row, click to select from a list of data types you can use to filter information compiled by the selected cell.

The list of available data types reflects the type of information compiled by the selected cell.

Is: Lists each filter's search condition, or comparison operator. To add or change a search condition, click in the Is column.

Value: Lists each filter's search criteria. To add or change a search criteria, click in the Value column. Then, depending on the Parameter selection, type a value, select a value from a list, or click the to select a value.

Add: Adds a new filter condition.

Delete: Removes the selected filter condition.

Cut: Cuts a filter condition so you can paste it elsewhere in the hierarchy.

Copy: Copies a filter condition so you can paste it elsewhere in the hierarchy.

Paste: Pastes a filter condition you cut or copied.

Arrow buttons: Click to move the filter condition to another position in the hierarchy.

Related Topics

Properties dialog box

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