Graph tab - Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box

Use the Resource Usage/Role Profile Options Graph tab to specify how information is presented in a resource profile when viewing resource allocation for projects by role or by resource. To specify how you want to view resources in a resource profile, in the Resource Explorer window, click the Display Options bar, then choose Select View and the option you want.

Vertical Lines

Major: Mark to display vertical lines to indicate major time units in the current layout.

Minor: Mark to display vertical lines to indicate minor time units in the current layout.

Horizontal Lines

Dotted: Choose to display horizontal lines as dotted lines in the current layout.

Solid: Choose to display horizontal lines as continuous lines in the current layout.

None: Choose to remove horizontal lines from the current layout.

LineColor: Click to change the display color of horizontal lines in the current layout.

Additional Display Options

Show Legend: Mark to display definitions of each color in the current layout.

3DBars: Mark to display resource usage bars in three dimensions.

Show Values: Mark to display the values of each bar in the histogram.

Background Color: Click to change the current layout's background color.

Calculate Average: Mark to specify the values you want to use to divide the timescale interval totals.

Divide Interval Totals By: To divide the timescale interval totals by an increment you specify, type it in this field.

Base on Hours Per Timeperiod: To divide the timescale interval totals by automatic increments, based on the date interval selected, mark this checkbox. When you choose this option, the Divide Interval Totals By field displays the division increment based on the division increment specified in User Preferences for the corresponding date interval: 1h for Hour date interval, 2h for Shift date interval, 8h for Day date interval, 40h for week date interval, and so on.

Unit of Measure: Specify the unit of measure for the timescale intervals.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021