Modify Resource Curves dialog box

Use the Modify Resource Curves dialog box to edit global resource curves. Edit the Curve Value % to change the resource and cost distribution. Resource usage and costs are distributed evenly during an activity unless you specify nonlinear distribution using curves.

Curve Value %: Type a new value, between 0.0 and 100.0, for each of the 21 increments to create your curve.

Total %: Displays the sum of all percentages listed. This field is calculated and cannot be edited. If the total value is greater than 100%, it appears in red. After you prorate the curve, the total value always equals 100%.

Duration %: The activity's duration is divided into 21 increments from 0 to 100 percent. A bar for each increment indicates the resource use. The bar for 0 percent represents the amount of resource already used when the activity begins (provided that the data date is later than the actual start date of the activity and actuals have been applied - see note below); the bar for 5 percent represents the usage between the start and 5 percent completion. The duration percent values cannot be edited.

Prorate: Adjusts values in the curve window proportionally to retain the curve's shape while making the periodic bars total 100 percent.

Copy From: Click to copy the curve value percentages from an existing curve. The new values overwrite the existing values.


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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021