Page tab - Page Setup dialog box

Use the Page Setup, Page tab to specify the page orientation, scaling, and paper size for the layout or report currently displayed.


Portrait: Choose to apply a vertical layout to the displayed report.

Landscape: Choose to apply a horizontal layout to the displayed report.


Adjust to % normal size: Choose to increase or reduce the printed size of the displayed report according to a percentage of the normal size. Type a percentage or click the arrows to select a new percent.

Fit to Pages) wide by tall: Choose to explicitly set the number of pages wide (the horizontal pages) and the number of pages tall (the vertical pages) for the displayed report. Type or click the arrows to select a new number of pages wide and tall.

Fit timescale to page(s) wide: (option not available for Reports) Choose to compress spacing and set the number of pages wide (the horizontal pages) for the displayed layout. Type or click the arrows to select a new number of pages wide.

Paper Size

Paper size: Select the size of the paper on which you want to print the displayed report. The available sizes correspond to the installed printer, or the printer you select, if more than one is available.

Width: Displays the width of the selected paper size.

Height: Displays the height of the selected paper size.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021