Renumber Activity IDs dialog box

Use the Renumber Activity IDs dialog box to specify how to create activity IDs when you copy and paste an activity.

This dialog box does not appear when you copy a project.

Increment Activity ID Based on Selected Activities: Select to increment activity IDs using the increment value you specify. For example, if the increment value is set to 10 and you select to copy activity ID AF567, the activity ID increments to AF577 when it is pasted. However, if an activity ID of AF567 already exists, then the pasted activity ID increments to AF587.

Auto-Number: Select to renumber activity IDs using the criteria you specify. For example, if the copied activity ID is AF567 and the increment level is set to 50, the Prefix is set to KK, and the Suffix is 400, then the pasted activity ID is KK400. However, if an activity ID of KK400 or an activity ID of KKxxx, where xxx is higher than 400, already exists, then the activity ID becomes the next available KKxxx number.

Replace Beginning Characters: Select to replace the beginning characters of the copied activity IDs with the characters specified in the Replace With text field. Type the number of beginning characters to be replaced in the Number of Characters text field. For example, suppose you type 2 in the Number of Characters text field and JY in the Replace with text field. You then select to copy the activity ID AF567. When pasted, that activity ID changes to JY567, unless that activity ID already exists. If that activity ID already exists, then the Duplicates dialog box appears and you type another activity ID.

Do not show this dialog again: Mark to indicate that you do not want this dialog box to appear next time you copy an activity or work breakdown structure element.

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