Table Font and Row dialog box

Use the Table Font and Row dialog box to change the appearance of text, color, and the height of rows in your display. This dialog box is displayed when you click the Layout or Display Options bar and choose Table Font and Row. The options available depend on the window or dialog box from which you choose this command.

Background/Font and Color

Font: Enables you to change the font for the rows.

Color: Enables you to change the color for the rows.

Row Height: The size of the row. Type or select a new value.

Show Icons: Indicates you want to show the symbols that identify different types of information in the display.

Group Rows

Level: Each level in the hierarchy of information displayed on your screen.

Font & Color: The font and color for the group rows. Double-click the Font & Color column to change the font and color for the group rows.

Row Height

Keep Current Row Heights: Indicates you want to use the current row heights.

Optimize height by row content: Indicates you want each row's height determined by its content. If you choose this option, type or select the maximum number of lines that should be included in each row.

Select height for all rows: A value you specify that is used for all row heights.

Show Icons: Indicates you want to show the symbols that identify different types of information in the display.

Apply: Applies your changes without closing this dialog box.

Default: Applies the default table, font, and row settings.

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021