Work Product and Document Details dialog box

Use the Work Product and Document Details dialog box to view details about and/or open the selected work product or document. To edit work product and document details, choose Project, Work Products and Documents and display WP & Doc Details.

Title: The name of the selected work product or document.

Ref. No.: The selected work product or document's reference or catalog number.

Author: The name of the person who created the selected work product or document.

Version: The selected work product or document's version number.

Revision Date: The date of the selected work product or document's last update.

Document Category: The category assigned to the work product or document in the Work Products and Documents window. Document categories are defined in P6 when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database and in Admin Categories when connected to a P6 Professional database.

Status: The status of the selected work product or document, for example, not started, in progress, or on hold. Work Product and Document status designations are defined in P6 when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database and in Admin Categories when connected to a P6 Professional database.

Private Location: The selected work product or document's private filename. Only P6 Professional users can view this filename.

Public Location: The selected work product or document's public filename. All project participants can view this filename.

Launch: Opens the selected work product or document's public file in its native application.

Description: A narrative description of the selected work product or document.

Notes (P6 EPPM Only)

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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021