Metadata Refresh

You must refresh the Primavera Data Service metadata by using this procedure whenever any change has occurred in the P6 or Unifier database schema. For example, database objects like table/view/synonym, etc. have been altered or created.

Note: Make sure there is no open invocation to a Primavera Data Service endpoint before completing the metadata refresh procedure.

Step 1: Triggering the metadata refresh by invoking the Primavera Data Service endpoint.

Run the Sync Metadata endpoint to sync metadata changes from P6/Unifier database to Primavera Data Service. The response will contain an endpoint link to verify metadata refresh status.

Sync Metadata Request

POST https://<server-url>/<customer>/pds/rest-service/dataservice/metadata/refresh?configCode=<configCode>

Allowed values for <configCode> are "ds_p6adminuser", "ds_p6reportuser", "ds_unifier". Please pick the appropriate value for the product Primavera Data Service is accessing.

Sync Metadata Response

{ "Path to poll refresh status(HTTP GET)": "https://<server-url>/<customer>/pds/rest-service/v1/config/status/seed/<configCode>" }

Step 2: Verify the metadata refresh status.

To verify the metadata refresh status run a GET call with the endpoint link mentioned in the response of Step 1.

Metadata Refresh Status Request

GET https://<server-url>/<customer>/pds/rest-service/v1/config/status/seed/<configCode>


This endpoint will return one of the following responses.

  • Success
    Metadata Seeding Status : SUCCESS
  • In Progress
    Metadata Seeding Status : IN PROGRESS

Repeat Step 2 until the response shows either "Metadata Seeding Status: SUCCESS" or "Metadata Seeding Status: FAILED".

  • Failed
    Metadata Seeding Status : FAILED

If you see the failed message, contact support for assistance.