Creating a Requests for Substitution Record

The first step in the Requests for Substitution business process workflow is the Creation step. Members of the Creator group can create this business process.

To create a new Requests for Substitution record

  1. Go to your project. Ensure that you are in the User mode.
  2. Expand the RFI Manager node.
  3. Click Requests for Substitution.
  4. From the BP log page, click Create.Complete the Upper form according to the Upper form table below. You must enter a value in all required fields before you can send the record to the next step in the workflow. If you save the form before you send it, Unifier will save it in your Drafts folder.
  5. In the Line Items section attach supporting documentation. You can add one document per line item. All attachments will be automatically added to the Document Manager.
    1. Click the Add button. The Line Items window opens.
    2. In the tool bar located near the top of the Line Item window, click the Attachment button.
    3. Select Add Attachment from either:

      My Computer — Use this selection to select and upload a document from your computer.

      Unifier Folder — Use this selection to select and add an attachment that was already uploaded to the Document Manager.

    4. Select the document to attach to this line item and click OK. Unifier will show the name of the file in the Name field on the line items form.
    5. Complete the Line Items form according to the Line Items table below.
    6. Click OK to save the line item.
    7. Continue to add line items until you have completed attaching your substitution information.

      Uploaded documents remain in the Document Manager > Unpublished Documents folder until you publish them.

  6. In Workflow Actions select the workflow action to take. In this case, your selection is Submit. This selection activates Action Details.
  7. In Action Details, select who should receive the record.
    1. Click To... The User/Groups picker opens that shows a list of available task recipients.
    2. Select the user or group who will receive the task on the Approval step.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Click OK. The User/Group picker closes and the selection appears in the To field. Upon sending, the record will appear in the recipients Tasks log.
    5. (Optional) Click Cc... and follow steps a - d. The record will appear in the recipients Notifications log.
  8. Click Send to route the record to the Approval step.

Upper Form

In this field

Do this

General block

Record Number

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates when you click Send.


This is a required field - Enter a name for the record.

Project Number

This field is auto-populated from the project.

Project Name

This field is auto-populated from the project.


This is a read-only field that identifies the person that created the record. The field appears as a link to the creator's contact information.

Creation Date

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates when you send the record to the next step.

Due Date*

This is a required field - Unifier pre-populates the date from the workflow setup, but you can change it if desired.


This read-only field is blank while on the Creation step. The status will change when the task is accepted on the next step in the workflow.

Contract Reference

Select the contract for which you want to substitute an item.

Details block

Spec Title

Enter a name for the spec.

Spec Section

Select a spec section from the drop-down menu.


Enter the page number of the spec.


Enter the article and paragraph on the spec page.

Proposed Solution block

Proposed Substitution

Enter a synopsis of the proposed solution, up to 30 characters.


Enter the manufacturer name.


Enter the model.

Trade Name

Enter the trade name.


Enter the manufacturer's address.


Enter the manufacturer's phone number.


Enter the installer's name.

Address 1

Enter the installer's address.


Enter the installer's phone.


Enter the installer's history with this type of installation.

Proposed Solution

Differences between proposed substitution and specified product

Enter a detailed comparison between the specified product and the proposed substitution.

Point-by-point comparative data attached - REQUIRED BY Fill in if required

Check this box if Point-by-point comparative data is attached.

Reason block

Reason for not providing specified product

Enter the reason why this product should be substituted.

Similar Installation block


Enter the name of a project that used this substitution.


Enter the name of the project architect.

Address 1

Enter the address of the project that used the substituted product.


Enter the name of the project owner.

Date Installed

Enter the date the substituted product was installed.

Proposed substitution affects other parts of work

The default entry is Yes, use the drop-down menu to select No.

Explain block


Enter an explanation for substituting the originally specified product.

Savings block

Savings to Owner for accepting substitutions

Enter the amount the owner would save by accepting the substitution.


This is a required field. Use the drop-down menu to select Add or Deduct.

Proposed Substitution changes Contract Time

The default entry is Yes, use the drop-down menu to select No.


Enter the number of days the substitution would change Contract Time.

Item Logs

Line Items Tab

In this field

Do this

General block


An attachment is required. The document name is auto-populated from the attached file.

Document Type

Select the document type using the drop-down menu.

Short Description

Enter a brief description for the line item.

Line Item Status

Select the line item status using the drop-down menu.

Issue Date

Select the date using the calendar icon.

Action Required

The default value is Yes. Use the drop-down menu to change the value to, if appropriate.


Enter a brief description to explain how this document pertains to the Request for Substitution.

P6 Activity

Select a P6 activity to associate with this record.

P6 Planned Start

This is a read-only field.

P6 Planned Finish

This is a read-only field.

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Last Published Friday, February 4, 2022