Auto Soldout Register

How to print:  Select Accept at the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen. If you select the Update orders field at this screen, the words NO UPDATE - LIST ONLY appear in the upper left corner of the report.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Item code

         Order number and number of the shipping address

         Line number

         Item quantity

         SKU code(s)

         Item totals: number of order lines and total quantity

         Final totals: number of order lines and total quantity

Order Hold Detail Report

How to print: Complete the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen. The system generates this report only if the Update orders and Hold related coordinate group lines fields are selected.

This report lists any order lines that were held because there was a soldout item that was coordinate grouped with one or more other items on the order.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         batch number

         date you process auto soldouts

         item code

         SKU code, if any

         order number

         order line number

         status (S = soldout item; H = held item)

         coordinate group code

         item description

         quantity ordered

         unit price

         customer sold to first and last name

         customer sold to city and state or province

         home phone number of customer sold to

Auto Sold Out Retained Order Register

You can keep this report as a record of which orders were retained against which items, so that you can sell out the remaining orders when you no longer expect to be able to fulfill them.

How to print: Select Accept at the Enter Quantity to Retain Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Item code

         SKU code

         Order number

         Quantity retained

         Cancel date from the detail line (If you enter a cancel date in Order Entry, it flows through to the detail line automatically. If you enter a cancel date in Order Maintenance, the date flows through to the detail line only for items you add to the order afterward.)

