E-Commerce Order Cleanup Log

How to print: This report is generated automatically through the ORDER_CLN job when the job purges an “abandoned” order. The reports are available for review through Document Management (My Docs) for the user who started the ORDER_CLN job. See the discussion under the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) for more information on when the job purges these orders.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         company number and description

         order number

         date and time when order was created

         date and time when order was purged

         the number of minutes that the order was in the system before the ORDER_CLN job deleted it. An order whose order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) is eligible for purge once the number of minutes specified in the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) has passed, but it might not be purged immediately if, for instance, the ORDER_CLN job was not active or if there were a large number of orders due to be purged at that time.

         sold-to customer number and name or company name

         for each ship-to on the order:

         each item/SKU

         the item/SKU’s unit price

         the quantity of the item/SKU ordered

         the special handling code, if any

         offer code

         item alias used, if any

         coordinate group number, if any

