Fill Rate Report

Purpose: This report shows you the number and percentage of orders that you have stock for on the first shipment (therefore, shipping the order complete), plus the number and percentage of orders with backordered items.

The column on the left of the report shows you up to 8 weeks in the specified date range for the specified offer or all offers that are effective during these dates.  

For example, in week 1, you had the ability to ship 7 orders complete, or 58.33% of all orders shipped in week 1. The calculation is:

7 / (7 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 0)


How to print: Select the Fill Rate Report field on the Submit Fill Rate Reports Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Date range: The dates for which you want to report on your backorder/fulfillment status. This date range is associated with the effective dates for the offer, as defined in the Offer date range fields in the Offer table. Only offers effective during this date range will be included on these reports.

         Offer: The code for the catalog, space or television advertisement you want to report on. The report will reflect the backorder/fulfillment status for this offer only. Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer table.

Instock rate:

         100% In Stock: This column shows the number and percentage of orders that had stock for all items on the first shipment.  Because of this, you were able to ship these orders complete.

         #-# lines B/O: lines backordered. These columns show the number and percentage of orders that did not have stock for all items on the order, so that one or more items were backordered and the order required more than one shipment.

         Week # of Date Range: These rows on the report show the fill rate for each week in the offer.  This information shows how well you forecasted demand for items in the offer.

         Totals: The totals at the bottom of the report give the number and percentage of orders that were completely in stock or with varying degrees of backordered items.

Shipment Summary Report

Purpose: This report shows you the number and percentage of orders with single and multiple shipments during a particular date range (during the offer).  This information helps you identify where you are losing money on multiple shipments, which may indicate a problem forecasting demand for items advertised in an offer.

For example, if you shipped 92 pick slips in week 1, 73.01% of the orders have had just one shipment.  The calculation is:

92 / (92 + 12 + 18 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 2)


Note:             This report presents totals for all orders with shipments in the selected period, regardless of status.  Of the 92 orders for which you made single shipments in the sample report, an unknown percentage may still be open due to backorders.

How to print: Select the Shipment Summary Report field on the Submit Fill Rate Reports Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Date range: The dates for which you want to report on your backorder/fulfillment status. This date range is associated with the effective dates for the offer, as defined in the Offer date range fields in the Offer table. Only offers effective during this date range will be included on these reports.

         Offer: The code for the catalog, space or television advertisement you want to report on. The report will reflect the backorder/fulfillment status for this offer only. Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer table.

         Shipments: The number and percentage of shipments on orders during the specified date range.  This report provides totals for orders that have generated one shipment, plus orders that have required 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or more shipments.  Multiple shipments indicates that the order included items that were not in stock and had to be backordered.  

Backorder Summary Report

Purpose: This is an aging report that shows you:

         the number of orders that have not yet had any items shipped

         the number of orders that have already had one or more shipments and are still open

         the corresponding number of days since the order was entered on the system (the number of days that the order has been open)

This information helps you identify the number of days orders remain open waiting for shipment of backordered items. For example, the report shows that you have 383 open orders for which you have already made one shipment, that are still open four to seven days after order entry.

How to print: Select the B/O Summary Report field on the Submit Fill Rate Reports Screen. 

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Aging buckets: Seven different aging buckets that show the number of days an order has been open on the system (the number of days since the order was entered) and the number of shipments that have been made to date on the order. The aging buckets are pre-defined to the following number of days:

          0-3 days

          4-7 days

          8-14 days

          15-21 days

          22-30 days

          31-45 days

          46 or more days

(This information might indicate that you may not have much movement on orders that have been on the system for a period of time, which might point to a problem with your vendor, purchasing department or projecting demand for items sold in the offer.)

         # of shipments: This column breaks out information on the report by the number of shipments that have already been made on each order that is still currently open. Once the order is closed, it is not included in the totals on this report. Ideally, you want to ship an order complete, in one shipment. Otherwise, you start losing money on shipping. The number of shipments reported here are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 or more shipments on an order.

