Inventory Receipt Exception Report

How to print: Complete the Print Inventory Receipt Exception Report Screen. This report sorts by vendor, then by purchase order number with vendor, and page breaks by purchase order number.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Vendor number and description (this is the parent vendor number related to the vendor number on the purchase order header)

         Purchase order number from the item transaction history

         Purchase order entry date

         Purchase order due date

         Item number from the item transaction history

         SKU code from the item transaction history

         Item description

         Purchase order quantity from the purchase order detail line

         Purchase order receipt quantity

         Inventory transaction reason code from the item transaction history (only inventory transaction reasons 96, 97, 98, and 99 print on this report)

         Item transaction history date (the date the item transaction history was created)

         Cost from the item transaction history

