Item Stock Status Report

How to print: Select the Print Only or Save and Print option at the Item Stock Status Save Options Screen. The system generates the report, according to your selections and submits a batch job (ITM_STKSTS).

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.

Note:             This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. Please note that the spreadsheet file includes SKU information in a separate row for each entry, and as a result there is a blank row following each non-SKU’d item. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


         Item/SKU: A user-defined code that represents a unit of inventory.

         Description: The description of the item/SKU entered in the Item/SKU field.

         Warehouse: A code that represents the warehouse, validated against the Warehouse table.

         Status: A user-defined code that represents the item's status such as obsolete, discontinued, etc.

         On-hand quantity: The number of units in the warehouse at the time the report was run.

         On-hold quantity: The number of units on hold at the time the report was run. This field is not currently implemented.

         Open quantity: The number of units open at the time the report was run.

         On-order quantity: The number of units on order at the time the report was run.

         Reserve quantity: The number of units on reserve at the time the report was run.

         Backorder quantity: The number of units on backorder at the time the report was run.

         Price: The price of the item/SKU. Derived from the Item or SKU table.

         Backorder dollars: The accumulated dollar amount of all units on backorder for the selected time period. Incremented during Billing.

