Reset Item Warehouse Quantity On Hand (MRIW)

Purpose: Use this option to reset the quantity on-hand for each Item Warehouse record based on the total quantities on-hand for related Item Locations within the warehouse.

Example:                    The Item Warehouse record indicates that the current on-hand quantity for item AB100 in warehouse 10 is 100. There are two item location records for AB100 in warehouse 10: A010101, with a current on-hand quantity of 15; and BULK, with a current on-hand quantity of 100. This reset adds the on-hand quantities for the two item locations and resets the on-hand quantity for the Item Warehouse to 115 (100 + 15).

Scheduling the reset: You can also run this reset using the Reset On Hand Quantity periodic function (program name PFR0093); see How to Schedule a Job.

Reset On Hand Quantity Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MRIW in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Reset Item Warehouse Quantity On Hand from a menu.

Completing this screen:


Select OK on the Reset On Hand Quantity Screen. Select Confirm and then OK again to submit the Item Warehouse Quantity On Hand Reset.


The system submits the RESET_ONHD job and calls the sp_reset_qty_on_hand SQL stored procedure to perform the Item Warehouse Quantity On Hand Reset.


The reset:

         Clears the On hand quantity for all Item Warehouse records.

         Resets the On hand quantity for all Item Warehouse records by summing the On hand quantity for the associated Item Location records.

         Generates the Reset Audit Log for Quantity On Hand.

Note:  The reset takes place regardless of whether there are any Inventory Transaction Errors.

