Reset SKU Open Order Quantity (MRSO)

Purpose: Use this menu option to reset the following fields in the SKU table based on the current open orders for the SKU:

         SKU open quantity: the total number of units remaining to be shipped for all open order detail lines, including any quantity reserved and backordered, on open, held, or suspended orders, but excluding drop-ship items and future orders. The Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen displays this field as SKU: Open.

         On hold quantity: the total number of units on held orders, excluding drop-ship items and future orders.

         Quantity order drop ship: the total number of units on open, held, or suspended orders waiting to be drop-shipped, including future orders for drop-ship items. The Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen displays this field as Open D/S.

         Future quantity: the total number of units on open, held, or suspended orders that have the Future order flag set to Y 

Scheduling the reset: You can also run this reset using the Daily Inventory Reset periodic function (program name MSR0698); see How to Schedule a Job.

Quotes: Because the system does not reserve inventory for items on quotes, the Reset SKU Open Order Quantity process does not include quotes; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.

Reset SKU Open Order Quantity Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MRSO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Reset SKU Open Order Quantity from a menu.

Completing this screen:


Select OK on the Reset SKU Open Order Quantity Screen. Select Confirm and then OK again to submit the reset.


The system submits the RSET_SKUOO job and calls the sp_reset_qty_quantities SQL stored procedure to perform the SKU Open Order Quantity Reset.


Regardless of whether there are any inventory transaction errors, the SKU Open Order Quantity Reset:

         Clears the Open quantity, On hold quantity, and Quantity order direct ship for all SKU records. Note: The On hold quantity is based on the Order Header status and not the Order Detail status.

         Resets the Open quantity, On hold quantity, and Quantity order direct ship for all SKU records by accumulating the quantities in open, held, and suspended Order Detail records.

         Resets the Future quantity for all SKU records by accumulating the quantities in open, held, and suspended Order Detail records with the Future order flag set to Y.

         Generates the Reset Audit Log for SKU Quantities.

The Order Detail open quantity is calculated as:

Quantity Open = (Quantity Ordered - Quantity Cancelled - Quantity Soldout - Quantity Shipped)


         The Open quantity in the SKU table includes held orders, which are also included in the Held quantity field in the SKU table.

         The Future quantity in the SKU table includes held orders, which are also included in the Held quantity field in the SKU table.

