Order Broker Aging Report

How to print: Select Print at the Work with Order Broker Screen and then complete the Print Aging Report Window.

Note:             The Order Broker Aging Report is accessible at the Document Management Screen. It is not available by selecting a submitted job at the Job Management Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.

Note:             This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


         Open records older than: The number of days old an Order Broker request needed to be in order to be included on the report. The default is 1 day, which means that the report does not include Order Broker records created on the current or previous date.

         Fulfilling Location: The code identifying the selected fulfilling location, if any; set to ALL if you did not select a fulfilling location at the Print Aging Report Window.

Note:             The report does not indicate if a particular status was selected at the Print Aging Report Window.

For each separate fulfilling location included on the report:

         The fulfilling location and fulfilling location description for one or more Order Broker requests

         For each Order Broker request:

         date created

         current status code and description

         order number

         ship-to number

         order line sequence number

         item code

         SKU code

         Order Broker request ID

         requested quantity

         total quantity for the same fulfilling location, status, and date

         total quantity for the same fulfilling location and date

         total quantity for the fulfilling location

         total quantity for the report

