Order Count Report

Purpose: This report provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by company for a specified date range.

How to print: Use Order Volume Report (OVOL). The Sort by order type field must be unselected.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         To...From: The date range for which the report was generated. This is the date range you defined at the Order Count Report Screen.

         Co#: Order Management System company code.

         Description: The name of the company.

         # of orders: The number of orders entered for the company within the specified date range.

         Final totals: The total number of orders entered across all companies within the specified date range.

Order Count Report by Order Type

Purpose: This report provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by order type within company for a specified date range.

How to print: Use Order Volume Report (OVOL). The Sort by order type field must be selected.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         To...From: The date range for which the report was generated. This is the date range you defined at the Order Count Report Screen.

         Company: Order Management System company code and name.

         Order type: A description of an order type within the company.

         # of orders: The number of orders entered for the order type in the company within the specified date range.

         Company totals: The total number of orders entered for the company across all order types within the specified date range.

         Final totals: The total number of orders entered across all companies within the specified date range.

