Printing the Email Error Report (PEME)

Purpose: Use this screen to generate a list of email addresses that are formatted incorrectly in the following tables:

         Customer Sold To

         Customer Sold To Email

         Customer Ship To

         Customer Bill To

         Vendor (both vendor email and remittance email addresses)

         Vendor Contact

         Order Ship To Address

         OM Batch Header

         Soldout Notification

         Threshold Value

In this topic:

         When is an Email Address in Error?

         Email Errors Report Screen

         Email Errors Report

When is an Email Address in Error?

An email address is considered in error if:

         there is not an @ sign and a period (.)

         there is no text:

         before the @ sign

         between the @ sign and the period

         after the period

For example, the following email addresses would appear on the error report:


Any additional validation? The system does not confirm that an entry represents a valid email address, or that the domain name (such as “company” in even exists.

Email Errors Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PEME in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Email Error Report from a menu.

Completing this screen: Click Accept to submit the Email Errors Report.

