Processed Refund Register

How to print: Complete the Processed Refund Register Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.

Note:             This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


         range of dates entered at the Processed Refund Register screen

         the date the refund was processed, written off, or canceled

         the date that the refund was created through a return, overpayment, cancellation, or soldout cancellation

         bank code and description

         a code that identifies the status of the refund. Valid values are:

         P = Processed

         C = Canceled

         T = Written off

         the type of refund. Valid values are:


         Credit card credit

         Stored value card

         the current payment category of the refund. Valid values are:

         1 = Cash/check

         2 = Credit card

         the category of the payment type used on the order. May differ from the current category if there is an alternate refund type or alternate refund category for the pay type used on the order. Valid values are:

         1 = Cash/check

         2 = Credit card

         refund amount; a minus sign indicates a credit

         pay type (Represents the specific method of payment used on the order)   

         order number

         customer name

         for each refund status by bank:

         subtotal by refund type

         subtotal by status

         subtotal by bank

         final total for selected date range

For more information: See Introducing the Refund Process for more information on creating refunds. See Working with Refunds, Writeoffs and Balances Due (WREF) for more information on payment categories.

